Monster Hunter - Show me yours I'll show you mine =D

:sweat_smile: You know you wanna!

I’m starting sword #2 for the competition now. Yeah you saw me complain a lot - money where my mouth is eh? :rofl:

Let’s see your MH stuff everyone!

Also the new game is nuts…my kid is playing it non stop ha.

Link → Qurupeco Sword - Monster Hunter - 31.5" - NO AMS by Unique_Letterhead - MakerWorld


Those look wicked - especially all finished out!

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To test the profile and to keep the kids from fighting :sweat_smile:

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I’ll probably change the base today as it’s a bit too wobbly, but 2nd blade is done :smiley:

Will be uploading later/tomorrow for you all.

Common ! Nobody has MH gear to show off? The series is great for all ages :grin:

It’s my dream to one day print a life size (slightly) functional Charge Blade. I want the axe head to rotate somehow. Hopefully I’ll have the skills one day!

It’s a difficult challenge the moving interlocking pieces to get the dual blade to work.

I could make a solid one, was thinking of an axe… hmm. There might be a few models from others floating around that could be improved on for our much better preforming printers, need to check.

The new stand is printing overnight, should be good for my upload schedule tomorrow then I’ll get to a quick paintjob. This Onchopristis is just SO cool to swing around and carry and its absurdity makes it good fun as they say haha.

I think for my next entry something from the Iceborne series…I really enjoyed that game way back when.


Quick hunters! Defend the square! :astonished:

Painting & drafting the 2nd sword upload for later this evening. phew!

My kid keeps distracting me with the new wilds game today :rofl:

Apologies for the delays. Kids make your schedules eh? haha

Voila ~ One new sword fresh off the forge!


MOM !!! Dad’s dual wielding again!!! :joy:

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Let’s squeeze one last one in here. I’m painting it up now haha. :laughing:

(( I swear if a pokemon anything wins any slots in this competition imma lose it…))


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