Bought a P1S on 12/23/2024. I have just over 200 hours on it now. And been having a lot of issues this past week. See the attached pictures.
this all started with a brand new roll of Overture black PLA. At first I thought it was a clog from switching from PETG to PLA. So extruded some filament out at 250c and did 2 cold pulls. It seemed to be solved for small prints so I tried a bigger print again and the same odd layers started showing up. So I tried my brand new 0.4 nozzle that came with the p1s and installed that. Same issue again. At this point, I figured the spool of Overture black PLA might be a bad batch.
Tried the unclogging procedure again. Try another print same thing again. Then I try a brand new spool of Overture white PLA. What I tried to print printed flawless. (This is all done with the generic PLA profile, no changes)
So I try to go back to my PETG project. Again layer issues. (Overture PETG black, generic petg profile at 50% speed) I did some more research and learned overture PETG needed higher temp till it looked glossy. Which for me ended up being 270c. Print looked better but still random layer issues.
At this point, I am so frustrated I just order Bambu Lab PETG HF black. I get this in try it out with the stock Bambu PETG hf profile (dried it over night at 55c in sunlu dryer for about 12 hours total)—same thing.
I tried unclogging again, did a calibration flow test, and printed a Bambu test cube which came out flawless. So great maybe it’s working now. Try the bigger print 30 layers in failed again.
I do full maintenance on the Bambu, clean carbon rods, clean y-axis rods, and blow out any dust from cracks and fans. recalibrated the machine. Check if firmware and Bambu Studio are up to date. Pull out the extruder gear to check for any debris or wear, it looked brand new.
Try another print same thing happens. This time I did slow the Bambu petg file down a little about 30% overall. Did not seem to change anything.
The last thing I did last night was grab some inland PLA (purple gold, picture attached ) and tried to print that with the generic pla profile. I have printed about 15 things successfully on this same roll and wanted to see what would happen. and again same thing happened.
Can anybody direct me in the right way to solve this?