More user-friendly pause

Currently, when the printer is paused, either manually or because a “pause at layer” selection was made in the slicer, the following happens:

  1. Printhead moves to the poop chute and the heater turns off (bed stays on)
  2. Popup on the printer indicates printing is paused. Options are Resume, Stop and Close

If one wants to do a filament change (no AMS), you must:

  1. Turn the heater back on and wait for an appropriate temperature
  2. Hit the Retract button enough times to manually unload the filament (because Unload is disabled)
  3. Load new filament and hit Extrude enough times to show the new filament at the nozzle
  4. Go back to the home screen and tap Resume

What I would like to see is, preferably, a choice on the popup for “Change filament”. This would do an Unload, wait for the user to remove and replace the filament, and then on resuming, finish loading, extrude enough for the new filament to show, wipe the nozzle, and resume printing.

Alternatively, make the Unload button available, and then the Load button (once filament has been unloaded.)

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I might be wrong but I seem to recall seeing a ‘filament change’ option that you can use at a specific layer in the slicer, rather than just adding a pause. I wonder if that unloads for you?

That option, which I have used, uses the AMS. My request is for when you are manually feeding filament from the back, without an AMS. (I have an AMS, but discovered this issue when investigating another’s question. It would also be useful for filaments, such as TPU, that don’t work in the AMS.)


That’s a shame. I don’t have an AMS so I will watch out for this. +1 for the feature request.

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May be this can be done with a sequence of Gcodes in the customer Gcode section ? (apart from a FW solution)

Will have a look

“filament Change” in Slicer working as well without AMS.

I add a filament change without AMS to the slicer (filament 5-6) and add a manual filament change to layer 67. the gcode look like this:

M73 L67
M991 S0 P66 ;notify layer change
G1 E-.6 ; retract for toolchange
; filament end gcode 
M106 P3 S0
M620 S4A
M204 S9000

G2 Z20.5 I0.86 J0.86 P1 F10000 ; spiral lift a little from second lift

G1 Z23.1 F1200

G1 X70 F21000
G1 Y245
G1 Y265 F3000
M106 P1 S0
M106 P2 S0
M104 S220
G1 X90
G1 Y255 F4000
G1 X100 F5000
G1 X120 F15000

G1 X20 Y50 F21000
G1 Y-3
M620.1 X F21000
M620.1 E F523
; always use highest temperature to flush
M109 S230


G92 E0


G1 E23.7 F523 ; do not need pulsatile flushing for start part
G1 E0.690105 F50
G1 E7.9362 F523
G1 E0.690105 F50
G1 E7.9362 F523
G1 E0.690105 F50
G1 E7.9362 F523
G1 E0.690105 F50
G1 E7.9362 F523

G1 E-2 F1800
G1 E2 F300

G1 E10.4769 F523
G1 E1.1641 F50
G1 E10.4769 F523
G1 E1.1641 F50
G1 E10.4769 F523
G1 E1.1641 F50
G1 E10.4769 F523
G1 E1.1641 F50
G1 E10.4769 F523
G1 E1.1641 F50
G1 E-2 F1800
G1 E2 F300

M109 S220
G1 E2 F523 ;Compensate for filament spillage during waiting temperature
G92 E0
G1 E-2 F1800
M106 P1 S255
M400 S3
G1 X80 F15000
G1 X60
G1 X80
G1 X60; shake to put down garbage

G1 X70 F5000
G1 X90 F3000
G1 Y255 F4000
G1 X100 F5000
G1 Y265
G1 X70 F10000
G1 X100 F5000
G1 X70 F10000
G1 X100 F5000
G1 X165 F15000; wipe and shake
G1 Y256 ; move Y to aside, prevent collision
G1 Z19.8 F3000

M204 S10000

M621 S4A
M106 S255 ; enable fan
M106 P2 S178 ; enable additional fan 
M104 S220 ; set nozzle temperature
; filament start gcode 20221117
; Run the chamber fan at 70% instead of 100% to reduce the noise
M106 P3 S180
;Prevent PLA from jamming
M900 K0.028 L1000 M10 ; Override pressure advance value
G1 X140.462 Y141.443 Z20.2 F28800 ; move to first perimeter point travel_to_xyz
G1 Z20.1 ; restore layer Z
G1 E2 F1800 ;  ; unretract
M204 S5000 ; adjust acceleration

you can see cutting waiting extrude and flushing is in the code. try it.


I will definitely give that a try.

But a better pause sequence could still be very helpful in another scenario. In the case of an unscheduled break, when the filament runs out.

I just let the filament run out and as soon as I get the message on my phone I can go and change the roll. However, once the new roll is in, you then have to manually load, so set the temperature and then load the new filament until it’s completely in. Otherwise there is a risk of a gap in the print.

when u use the Handy App and you allow notification, it works, but ur right, it would be good, if we get a opportunity to get messages or notification a other way…

Hi im trying for the first time today to print with multiple color (3 layers, very simple) and I put pause in the slicer and then change the filament too. I see everything is looking good in the slicer but then when i print, i just print everything with the first color and never pause. (even the side “tower” to purge filament is printed). Not sure if im missing something in Bambu Studio…
Help please! :slight_smile:
Thank you

After you do the color change stuff, do you re-slice the file before printing? If not that is your issue.

Yes i do a re-slice and after 4 different small test, the P1P never stop at the mark i put in the slicer to change filament… :frowning :frowning:

Here’s what my last test look like:

Any ideas looking at these settings?
thanks for the help.

Hi, if I want a pause and do a manual filament change, do I need to put this GCode in the pause with proper layer number, etc? or just having a pause in the slicer would do the trick (and i would be able to change the filament and resume properly the print??)

My experience is that you don’t need custom Gcode. Slice the model, on the Preview tab adjust the layer slider on the right to the layer where you want the pause. Right click on the + and select Add Pause. Repeat adding pauses as needed, then slice again.

At the selected layer(s), the printer will pause and move the nozzle to the poop chute. You’ll have to use the printer controls to manually retract the filament until you can remove it, insert new filament, and extrude a bit until it catches. Then resume the print.


Thanks for the answers guys! Its matches what i saw on the web but yeah, doing those steps doesnt work on my P1P (seems like…)
Like in the screenshots, i have the pauses (tried multiple one too) and the printer never stops till 100% :frowning:
I’ll keep testing (create new project, re-install BL Studio maybe.)

I’ll keep you posted :slight_smile: Have a good weekend.

So i found my problem (or my mistake :slight_smile: ). When right clicking on on the slider to the right of the screen, i was always putting a change of filament with different color to see the result first. And thats a mistake because that option is only for AMS and you cant put a Pause anywhere after that. So thats why i couldnt see the pause i was “clicking”.
—Bambu Lab Studio doesnt give any “error” message or feedback for that. SO… Like you can see in the pictures, 1 (B&W color) is set for a color change using AMS and the other image have a PAUSE for manuel color change. In the end its stupid, i did not notice that their was no pause icon, on the “line cut” in the vertical bar.

Then comes the problems we can face when doing the filament change in Pause mode.
-Unloading works great even if you cant do it with the phone app and on the P1P, it gives you an error message saying the printer is busy, but it still gonna do it fine :stuck_out_tongue:
-Now, loading the new filament can be a headache if you’re not patient or if the printer is in a bad mood. Took me an hour to get it right/or for the printer to accept the new filament. (aka you need to hold the filament in with small force for the printer to LOAD properly or it might get in a kinda limbo trying to load or resume the print and might even freeze on you.
-When I was good with the Load new filament part, THEN, comes the “big” chances of LAYER offset where the printer resume the print 1-2 mm offset (to the right for me) so its a pain. My next step is to look forums and online to find a solution for that bug on the P1P :slight_smile:

Happy print everyone!

I’m trying to print a multi filament print on my P1P without AMS and have discovered the same thing as you. You can’t add a pause and change filament on the same layer which is dumb because I want to pause the print to switch from TPU to PETG and have the printer also have the right settings for the change in filament. I hope this gets resolved soon. I also can’t “change filament” and also add custom G-code it seems like I can only do one or the other in the same layer.