Hi Everyone, I have a Bambu A1 Mini. I’ve been using it for more than 1 year with a .4mm nozzle without any issues at all. I
I recently bought a .2mm nozzle and installed it without an issue. I installed a new printer A1 mini and ensured the .2mm nozzle. I started trying to print immediately i started having lots of issues with extrusion. I have changed settings like the heat and max volumetric speed. as well as the flow rates.
I don’t believe the nozzle is clogged. I think basically that the printer is trying to push too much fillament through the smaller diameter nozzle and can’t cope. The motor keeps clicking and the hotend jumping.
I’ve never had any issues on the bambu prior to this. Can someone please tell me if this is possible to fix and what’s causing this issue. I’m printing normal overture PLA. I have a video but it’s similar to the other posts i’ve seen material is being extruded out of the nozzel but every now and then the motor skips and jumps.