Why do parts in Bambu Studio always HAVE to touch the base plate?
I’ve stumbled over this several times.
I wanted to print thin high parts.
Printing one part alone works. but as soon as I want to print more than one part on the board, they fall over.
the simple solution I know from other slicers.
I insert thin support parts that I position freely between the actual parts.
theoretically the function is available in the BS. (Add simple Parts) but you can not position the part freely on Z.
another example:
I cut a lying part vertically.
the cut is always recognized as under part.
If you then split the cut in the objects, these are then also moved back to the base surface.
very blod if you only want to remove one part and the rest should stay where it was.
Add a modifier to your object (as part of the object, right-click on the object in the object tab… man those are a lot of objects) and you can move it around freely.
Thanks for the answer.
I had also played around with this.
somehow I had to make the auxiliary part first to the modifier and then again to part so that the part is also printed. (in the slicer preview)
There still remains the problem with the vertical cuts.
This ought to be a FAQ. I now realise I have been giving slightly misleading advice in the past.
The slicer has the concept of objects consisting of one or more parts. An object is forced to sit with its lowest Z point on the build surface. The parts of an object can be positioned anywhere relative to each other. If you change the lowest Z point the whole object will drop to the build surface again.
The object view in the process tab lets you see the tree structure of objects and parts and lets you select them and change many process options for them.
In the prepare view left clicking selects the object. Alt Left clicking selects a part.
You have assemble and split commands to combine or separate objects.
You can add primitive shapes and file models to an object as parts or to the build surface as objects.
The cut tool has the option to cut an object into parts or separate objects.
You can change part types into normal (part), modifier, negative, and support block/add controls.
only the middle part/ the body should be removed. the wings should remain.
If I select the third option “cut into individual parts”, the parts remain in the right place for the time being, but I cannot split the cut into individual parts.
If I don’t choose this option, I can cut the section but the parts fall to the floor and have to be painstakingly put together manually.
this part is just an example and could be put on the back but it is the problem.
is there a trick i’m not seeing?
The option is grayed out because the thing you selected is already a part, and you can’t split a part to parts.
I still don’t understand what you want. By “cut to parts” you CAN split an object into parts, and then you can select each individual part (click item in the object list, or alt+click on canvas), modify them, or even delete them.
The goal is to cut only the rear part of the dragonfly. The wings should stay where they are.
You can make cuts only on “planes” that in this case for the own you had to be sharpened 3 parts.
If you use the automatic option that splits the parts fall down.
This fall of the parts is the problem.
Hi there, I know you wrote this a while ago but…this just helped me but now how do I not print the cone? When I separate the items the item I needs goes back down to the grid.