Multicolor Print on P1S with reduce purge from Leon Fisher-Skipper

Edit: Update I found out that I have to enable develop mode in the newest bambu studio version to get the “long retraction when cut” feature. So I dont need the Fisher g-code anymore. So I tried it out, but when I enable the feature it is not reflected in the amount of flushed material in the slicer. Is this to be expected?
Edit 2: Ok I found out I need to recalculate the flushing volumes for it to reflect. However with the whale model it never reflects even if i recalculate. No idea why. And in the models I tested it only gives like 10% less waste.
I did the first multicolor with the colors black and white print yesterday on my P1S Combo with the latest stable software and firmware.

Added another object (fidget) as an object to flush into.
I adjusted the flushing volumes to 0.5 and the slice calculated about 19 grams of flushed material.
Also I used the “reduce purge by up to 45%” profile by Leon Fisher-Skipper Reduce purge by up to 45%. by Leon Fisher-Skipper - MakerWorld
Then printed it.

Surprisingly the amount of flushed material didn’t reduce. I weighed the “poop” and it was exactly 19 grams. I expected the slicer to show a wrong, to high value for the poop since it does not calculate the changes in the g-code in. And when switching from the normal profile to the less waste profile it calculates the same amount of poop.

So I checked back and even checked the gcode that is stored on the SD-Card after you send a print there. Everything was fine, the profile with reduced purge should have worked.

Does anyone have an idea why the poop wasn’t reduced even though I did everything right?

Also I am quite surprised how the flush into object looks. I don’t understand why there are no color gradients in it. It consists of 3 colors - black, light grey and dark grey and looks beautiful. How is that even possible?

I just did a bit of analysis with the same Orca model - and it looks like recalculate doesn’t take in to account whether you have the long retract setting on or not.

Also interestingly the actual total extruder movements also don’t seem to change between the two options (have added up the total extruder movements between a Long Retract and Non Long Retract - it just seems to be that the relationship between when movements happen compared to AMS commands has changed slightly.

So to me it looks like you need to lower the multiplier when you have long retract on a bit.

PS/ Its not totally clear from your screen print - but I think the fiddle switch flush-into object doesn’t look quite high enough to catch all of the flush for the eye etc.

Attached screenshot is with no special settings, fidget toy scaled up to 250%, multiplier 0.5 and prime tower a little smaller - and it gets the flush length quite a lot more down


Thank you for your help. Yes the fidget toy is not high enough, this was my first try really printing a multicolor object. Still I am confused how the fidget looks. I imagined there must be color gradients in there.

I really must try more with different multicolor prints to find my best settings. Still kind of strange that the recalculate doesn’t take in to account the long retract setting on this model.

I’m a little confused by the documentation on this feature. The release notes on it says:

"At present, only the X1 and X1C support this feature on filament parameters, with Bambu PLA Basic and Bambu PETG Basic being default open. "

Does that mean it only works with those filaments? I’ve been trying to get it to work but I only use Bambu Matte PLA .