Just wanted to pop on here and share my experience that I had today when a storm rolled thru my area and caused a power loss mid-print. This information is being shared to potentially help anyone who is panicking after a power loss, or just genuinely curious what would happen.
Obviously, from the previous statement and the title, I had an experience with power loss while my P1S was printing, today. I was 10 hours in to a 12 hour print, when suddenly the power goes off for about 10 seconds. My UPS kicked in battery power for my PC, but my P1S is only on a surge protector power strip.
I don’t hook it up to the UPS because in the event of a power outage for extended periods the draw on the battery would be too much for too long, and it likely wouldn’t be supplied enough power for an extended duration to finish whatever it was printing anyways - They only run about 20-30 minutes with just a TV and PC connected.
When the power came back online it didn’t come back smoothly, and it was a sequence of on, off, on, off, on power cycles/flickers, instead of a steady roll-on. So, with my computer working fine, and my printer looking like everything was okay, I turned and saw the display was on and functional, as were all the internal lighting LED strips. So, I was like - Awesome, nothing dead, still working… Until I tried the control panel. Literally displaying some information but totally unresponsive. I pressed all the buttons and got no response from any of them. The screen just stayed as-it-was. I was heart-broken. I thought for-sure that I was going to have to be filing a claim or going after somebody for the cost of a new P1S or at least replacing a motherboard in the printer. I power cycled the unit, one flick of the main power switch, waited about 5 seconds, and powered it back on. When it came back online the display was completely blank, and the start-up process was taking extensively longer than it ever had, to come back up to the main screen and show a good ready status. I power cycled it a few more times. After had no effect, I just sat back and let it sit with the blank screen running. Meanwhile, since I was getting nothing from the on-printer display and nothing from my computer, since the network was still down, I grabbed my phone and opened the Bambu Handy app, and went to my printer. At first it showed “Idle” but after about 5 seconds it displayed an on-screen warning notification in the BH app that there was obviously a power interruption. The warning said, “There was an unfinished print job when the printer lost power. If the model is still adhered to the build plate, you can try resuming the print job.” I was happy that the nozzle hadn’t caused any damage and I hadn’t moved it in any way since the incident. The option to resume printing was selected AFTER I saw that the temperatures had risen back to my previously-selected operating temperatures. I’m not sure if that’s something you have to do, or if the P1S will do that for you, but it’s what I did, and it worked! It only took all-of 30 seconds to come back up to temp. The questions on everybody’s mind is probably this - Did it mess up the print? The power failure did impact my print, but it was able to recover with minimal issues. There was a slight line all the way around my print, from the area the nozzle was at pre-interruption. But, it did not cause any issues for me, as this was simply a piece of utility furniture, and not something I was going to sell, or give away to someone. Literally just a toilet paper box, so they are guaranteed to stay dry under my sink, lmao. But, yes, it did cause issue and was not perfect.
I went thru a power-failure and learned something about my printer! I knew it had power-interrupt protections, but I didnt know what to expect, or how they functioned. Glad I now know!
TLDR: Power went out. printer hooked up to UPS. Power flickered multiple times. Printer screen unresponsive. Printer power cycled. Screen appears blank now. Screen allowed to sit blank and boot. Screen and printer show no issues. Print resumed with minor cosmetic damage/single line.
(Video of unresponsive screen immediately after the power came back on, prior to any power cycling.)
Nozzle remains in-place after power failure. Nozzle was not moved prior to re-heat and resume button press.
After a few more lines were stacked you can clearly see a cosmetic defect.