I’ll work on verbiage. That’s not a problem. But knowing where the hell I am-- that’s different!
Thanks for hanging with me Malc.
screw top jars are better. I have a friend in a rental house who can’t screw things to walls so it will be magnets on the fridge. if magnets get knocked off, screw tops will save chasing pills all over the floor = aaaarrggh!
I can’t imagine any self-respecting landlord who’s not able to patch drywall and doesn’t allow anyone to hang something on the wall.
“Command Poster Mounting Adhesive Strips”
The 3M range of command strips are a suitable alternative.
They stick great, hold weight and can easily be removed when required by applying stress to a critical point.
They leave no marks, they just require a clean, flat surface.
I hope you are a landlord because you would be a good one .
Thanks, Malc, I had forgotten about Command Strips. They are strong and stay on the wall no matter the weather. I still prefer screw top jars then my friend can take the canister and pop it in her bag on her way to work.
Unless I am missing something, the recommended canisters in the photo have screwtops.
Yes, but someone suggested lidless canisters and that was what I replied to.
Gotcha, my bad. I missed that.
Bill, nice print. thank you for sharing.
I love functional prints that are combined with parts that are sourced from local stores. I find myself doing this all the time and enjoy searching out those parts as much as designing the print.
Really just want to comment on your “bent cell phone pics”. I’m wondering if the issue is that you’re taking the pictures with your phone’s wide-angle lens. Most phones these days have 2 or more lenses with different focal lengths. If you happen to be taking a close up with the wide-angle lens, the object will look bent (like a fish eye lens). Try picking one of the other lenses and stepping back from the object so it still fits in the frame.
Thanks Tio. I’m glad to know there is (theoretically at least) a solution. My phone, though not all that old, is the Apple SE. I chose it on purpose because, at the time, it was the only one on offer that still had the push button. I got used to that button on previous phones and felt it awkward to give it up. And the SE (as for as I know) only has one lens option. I know they make clip-on lenses, I bought a set to take close ups of coins. There are two other lenses in the box. I’ll give them a shot and see if I can get a better result.
In photography speak, what would be the opposite of wide-angle? Narrow angle? I may have to do some Googling.
Telephoto is the proper opposite term to wide-angle. and yes, it presents a narrower field of view. But telephoto is also used to describe lens with a 3x, 5x, 10x magnification and you don’t need to go that far for your purposes here. If a phone has multiple lens, you can probably just move up to the next lens which is probably around a 1x.
For example, my phone has a .5x, 1x, and 3x magnification or zoom (tho zoom also isn’t the proper term for a fixed lens). .5 is my wide angle. I’d use my 1x lens for the candy shot.
Since your SE only has one lens, you can simply step away from the subject (the candy dispenser) so that only the central portion of the lens is used to pick it up. Using the whole lens gives more of a wide angle effect with distortion of perspective. Using just the center of the lens reduces this. Then crop the resulting image down to just the subject of interest. This should result less noticeable distortion.
That’s good to know! Thank you for such clear directions for how to do that. I use IrfanView. Cropping and pixel sizes are easy using it. I have a DSLR and I have a feeling you do too. I’ve never been able to use it outside the auto selection to produce a picture as clear as those on any old cell phone. I know I’m missing out.
Dont cheap out and get generic Command Strips, they do not release cleanly. More patchng/ painting…
Did you mean to say this to me?
I was the one recommending the 3M brand.
To reduce lens distortion, step back a few feet and zoom in.
Try this…Take 2 pics, 1 up close at about 0.5x position the phone so the subject fills the screen.
2nd pic at about 4x-8x, again position phone so it fills the frame. Compare the 2 side by side.