My Latest 3D Print (Photo)

I’ll soon be uploading a profile for this if anyone’s interested. When my grandkids come to visit granny, this is the first place they go. It began life as a pill dispenser for me. I have one for AM meds and one for PM meds. But this one is just for the kiddies. I enjoy making prints that actually serve as something of a machine.

I hate the way cell phone pictures look bent. I have a DSLR camera but I don’t know how to use it. Well, I can use it but the clarity of the photo is not as good as the cell phone. Go figger!
The plastic tube comes from Home Depot in the lighting department. They are protective covers for T8 fluorescent bulbs. The little cups come from Hobby Lobby in the beads department.


That looks great but hopefully the kids can’t get to the ones that actually have meds in them since they obviously know the one is treats.


Haha, I was thinking the same thing about the meds XD

That is a neat looking print.

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This is great! The cups may be hard to find anywhere other than your location, can you add a small print for them (don’t think they really need a cap, a small open cup will do I think).

Here’s some photos.
For my meds, I started with these transparent bead holders, but then later decided to print some from PLA just to see how they would come out. I’ve been using them ever since. These clear ones screw on. The ones I printed have snug fitting caps without threads.


Did you forget to set the category appropriately?

I can do it for you again this time if you prefer.

No, I did it right this time. If you don’t think so, please tell me why.

Screenshot 2024-06-28 at 01.30.13

You have set the category to “Bambu Lab P1 Series” > “General Discussions”.

That would be fine if this were a general discussion on the P1 series printers.

As this is specifically about you promoting your latest print, it should be categorised as such and not about a specific printer. Your model can be printed on more than just your choice of printer.

Screenshot 2024-06-28 at 01.34.18

This is what I set for the previous time you shared your work. It is specific to sharing prints.

You can read the detailed breakdown from the last time here…

Whilst we are talking about ways to improve your post. Have you considered telling people what they should expect before they ignore your post and move on?

My Latest 3D Print (Photo) is generic and may get ignored by those who have no interest in guessing.

Something like “A kids sweets portion control dispenser” would tell people what they are expecting to see before they click, they are less likely to skip over it.

I am a little concerned the children may find one of these that looks very similar to one with actual medication within the same property.

Try changing it yourself and if you struggle, let me know and I will do it.


I posted under Household > Toys.
Someone in P1 asked a question and I answered it there.
Please advise.

You are confusing the forum and MakerWorld again.

I am only talking about your promotion of your model in the forum.

You can tell this as I only referred to the forum, included screenshots from the forum and provided a link to another forum comment I made where I detailed all of this previously.

Look at the very top on this page where your title and FORUM categories are shown (I provided a screenshot so it should have been easy to spot.

That is the only title I spoke of and the only category I spoke of.

MakerWorld is where you publish the model.

The forum (this place) is where we moan, solve problems, moan some more and some people promote their work.

We are only talking about your post in this forum to promote to the forum community the work you published in MakerWorld.

You have to understand these two places are different and serve different purposes.

Now, knowing that, reread my breakdown above on how to remedy your forum post category.


The person asking you a question in MakerWorld has nothing to do with this forum or this post.

I asked you previously to send me a link to “Share you prints”. I have not been able to navigate to it. Sending me an image of “Share your prints doesn’t help”. Thanks

All of this has me confused… Am I in the right place??? :smiley:

Do you see the pencil in the top right of the image?

Press that to edit the title and category sections.

Change the title

  • Select the title to edit it.
  • Select the Tick button to confirm when all changes have been made

Change the category

  • Select the Category box
  • Type “share”
  • Select “Other topics” > “Share my prints”
  • Select the Tick button to confirm when all changes have been made

I checked the previous post, I cannot see where you asked that question.

To see an example of how to click the “Share your prints”, navigate to the link below and select the “Share your prints” links immediately below your title.

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Hey Bill, I know this stuff can be confusing but FYI you replied to yourself.

You may want to take a moment and read what people have tried to tell you about how this place works and such.

Hopefully this helps. It’s all most are trying to do is help.

Thank you. This link is all I needed. I simply could navigate to it.

It isn’t the only thing you need as you still haven’t edited the caption or category.

You need to get this right the next time you want to share your prints. Practising now is the smart move.

When you make your next post related to a specific category, you do this at the start of the process.

Malc: Will you please go to my latest upload in MakerWorld and take a screen shot of my failure to “edited the caption or category”.
I apologize for the lousy picture of the candy dispenser. I haven’t yet figured how what pixel size they want. The image is only partially shown and this is after shrinking it down to 500px wide. It was 3000 or so from my cell phone. I think you told me once that any size would work.


We are talking about the forum, we are NOT talking about MakerWorld.

Scroll to the top of THIS post in the FORUM.

  • Press the Pencil shown with the arrow next to it.
  • Edit the title in the editable box that then appears.
  • Change the category as I explained before
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See if that didn’t take care of it.

I would still recommend you make the title far more appropriate to what you are trying to say.

But, well done, you got there. The category is now sorted.