My Mini Farm Complete

I’ve finally settled on my setup and lay out, complete with enclosure.
Yes I know A series in enclosures can be bad, but mine is vented via the skadis boards (and by an 80mm fan air purifier when the bits arrive).
Made with 2020 extrusion, 6mm acrylic, Skadis, sliding doors on 3d printed tracks i designed, leds in quadrant around top, added wifi controller for lights. 2 Tapo cameras, C110 and TC60, and 2 concrete slabs, on eva foam pads.
Photo attached, let me know what you think, good bad and suggestions welcome.

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I like it.
The A1 doesn’t have a motherboard fan while the A1 Mini does.

Thanks, I know it looks like two cabinets, but its one big unit for everything, so i thought better safe than sorry. I thought having the two skadis boards as the back panels would give enough ventilation, but it backs onto a wall, and for the first time ever, something i’ve made is square and parallel, so the extrusion is that flush there’s very little air flow, hence a fan design is on its way, unless the bits get lost in transit again :rofl: