It’s an aheadsion problem. This part of the print isn’t staying on the bed and is curling up.
Clean your bed with hot water and dish soap. Give it a really good scrub and don’t touch the printing surface with your fingers as that is the most common source of contaminants.
I think that angle should be fine. I think maybe there was an adhesion problem right where the nozzle scraped and it came off the bed a little. Is it possible there was a finger print in that one spot that kept if from sticking?
Key is to wash everything (including the dishwashing liquid) off at the end with plenty of water.
I have found that adding a generous splash of isoprop just before using water, diswashing liquid and a clean, stiff brush can help a bit.
Test results:
4cm dia. Freshly cleaned plate.
Part came out ok.
Purge line pulled away - I’m thinking this was pretty clean, so not sure what would cause that. Thoughts about the top? No ironing, but a bit more noise than I’d like.
The lid came out pretty nice. I printed another one this morning (below), with a few glitches.
Inside face of original brim was pretty smooth all around; the second from this morning was much “wavier” all around (right pic), and had some rough irregularities, but only part of it:
Only thing I can think of here is that last night, I pulled the print off the plate when it was a bit cooler - this morning, while it maybe was still a bit warm. Would that cause this?
The inside lip of lid shouldn’t have a finish like that. It should be smooth. Is this the only part you have seen this happen?
The “tails” come from surface stresses when the part is releasing. A quick pass with a heat gun will often remove them. Alternatively I’ve found that they can be removed with a stiff brush but ymmv.
That’s the only place I’ve seen it, though there is a bit of the “wave” texture on the outside of the lip.
Here are two images from the first print - showing the part of the inside of the lid that felt very smooth, and a part with a lower amplitude “wave”: