The first step to recovery is to admit one has a problem… Therefore:
Hi, I’m Nico and I am a new technology addict.
I’ve been struggling with this addiction since my childhood where I spend way to much money on being a early adopter. It started with buying the first 9600bps US Robotics modem in The Netherlands to where I am now. Owning 3D printers, Drones, fully automated home etc.
But as of late I have been experiencing heavy withdrawal symptoms. Specifically on my 3D printing fetish. My body and mind are aching for something new, something innovative, something quick.
My psychologists (yes, I need many of them) have provided me with one solution and one solution only. And that is NOT going cold turkey, but have another shot of 3D printing innovation.
Therefore I urge Bambulab, no demand from Bambulab, to save this poor soul from further agony. I can only cope with this if you release valuable info about the new upcoming printer very soon… Doesn’t have to be much… Just the specs, price and release date… Plus a review model so I can see if it takes away my agony and bills for my psychologists.
PS: Give this post a thumbs up if you want my agony to be fixed with a review model