New error message about temperature

Hi All

I am getting the message in the photo below. It is only happening on one of my X1Cs and does not seem to stop any print. It only happens when I start a print and then does not come back.

Any help appreciated.

It’s just a warning for potential clogging when printing with high temperatures of the build plate.

thanks but the temps haven’t changed since I got the printer a year ago. I use PLA only, the other X1C never shows this warning,

Could it be a sign of an error?

thanks again.

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Are the printers running the same/latest firmware version? That’s what I would look into first.


It’s implemented after the last firmware update, depending of the used filament and buid plate.

got it. Thank you much appreciated

Thanks, yes I was getting it a lot on PLA with Hot bed etc also and assumed it was the new firmware.

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You were correct the 2 printers were on different firmware. Sorted now.
