Hi, I would like to delete the white color but I can’t without deleting the others. So I would like it to implement at least one of these features:
- reorder the order of these colors
- delete a color even if it is not last in the list
Thank you
Hi, I would like to delete the white color but I can’t without deleting the others. So I would like it to implement at least one of these features:
Thank you
You can change the colors when you press print.
That isn’t the same thing as is being requested.
This has been asked for a few times, including by me.
This is one example in a thread about a related feature request.
Sorry but i don’t see the problem, when you can arrange them before you print.
The color just represent a number on the AMS.
Why is it important to arrange a spool. If you know the color, then whats the problem?
If you haven’t been that far in a project where it becomes a problem,I doubt anything I can say will help you understand.
I face the same issue every time I download a 3MF supposed to make things easier…
Yes, I can just re-sync the AMS to (sometimes) get the right filaments back.
But even if I have somewhat matching colours loaded - chances are they are NOT in the order as the model needs them.
Now, I can accept that I then have to go into the objects tab to assign the right colours to match my AMS.
If I want to print a plain model I downloaded in whatever is in slot 3 things get messy quickly.
I can’t just load the 3MF without my AMS and filament assignment being messed up.
Can’t just set defaults for 3MF files either.
Once you get a 3MF with lots of colours or materials all hell breaks loose.
Like Valeria_Momo said - impossible just delete a specific roll or more than one to fix things.
Can’t ‘switch off’ slots either, neither in terms of just excluding them, nor in terms of being able to keep a proper filament order with one missing in the middle.
I guess simplicity has a different meaning for some people and developers
If I get my mess and the author’s problem into the same pot I think it boils down to this:
Studio and AMS are linked in a fixed way.
The filament order in studio is the same as for the AMS - 1 is left, 4 is right, same for 5 and 8…
The assignment for the slicing part of things however is based on the filament colours AND AMS slot assignments.
If the colours match the model chances are the right slots are used.
Problem starts IF you want or need to make changes to the order, let alone go without one colour.
No issues changing the colour or filament type.
Removing the number 2 as the the original pic though is NOT possible.
Without unloading it from the AMS you can do it in the AMS settings either.
While this ‘feature request’ might not make sense to a lot of people, the issues causing it are indeed very real.
Should be easy to remove or at least disable a slot…