New issues with P1S Prints

Thank you for the clear photos.

What the photos don’t show is the design intent of your print. By that, I mean we see a bunch of clear photos, but without context on how they were laid out or what the end model is supposed to look like, it’s just guesswork as to what part of the output you’re unhappy with and what you were aiming for.

Here’s an example of a thread trying to diagnose a problem: {click here}. In that thread, I cite the kind of information needed to properly understand what’s going on under the hood.

I can already see one issue: you’re experiencing poor bed adhesion, along with some stringing. These can be related, or they may result from entirely different causes.

In this example, what are we looking at? Is this the top, the bottom that was in contact with the build plate, or something that was held up by supports? If you want quality feedback, these details matter.

In this case, again, what am I looking at? What was the model supposed to look like before it was sliced? What filament was used in this example—was it PLA, PETG, or something else?

Similarly, in this example, are these features intentional or are they artifacts? If we could see what the original model was supposed to look like before it was sliced, it would eliminate the guesswork.

Conversely, you can always upload the 3MF file of the model you’re trying to diagnose so we can directly inspect both the model and the settings. However, make sure to include at least one annotated screengrab highlighting the specific area you want reviewed. This method is the fastest and most accurate way for the community to assist you.

You’ll find that a lot of folks here are very willing to jump in and help a fellow 3D enthusiast but the more details you share the easier it is to answer and the greater likelihood of a quality reply.

One tip

Did you dry and calibrate your filament or are you relying on factory defaults. Some of what you displayed can be explained by poor filament tuning and or filament moisture. And don’t rely upon, “I just pulled it out of a factory fresh bag”. Factory filaments need drying too, even PLA sometimes even though it’s not supposed to need it.

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