
Downloads and prints are tracked individually for our Global and Chinese sites. Nonetheless, any points you earn on MakerWorld China will be synced to your MakerWorld Global account for your use.


From what I’ve heard, DeepL is the most accurate as far as accurately translating proper modern languages with correct dialects.

I’ve had more people say “What are you saying?” when using google translate or they just laugh because it made zero sense lol. But never an issue with DeepL


If you have time to answer the following questions, it would be greatly appreciated:

  • In your news, you referred to this step as ‘expanding,’ but from my understanding, Chinese users are already on Is only accessible via VPN?
  • Why is the site being split into two regions? Are there regulatory constraints regarding business operations in China that make this step necessary?

I am asking out of curiosity. Thank you in advance!

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I speak three languages fluently, so I can tell you with authority that Google translate is absolutely fine to get the general gist of something, but you never want to use it for any serious conversation, lol.

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chat gpt seems pretty good on translation ,but I don’t know if it speaks chinese, i’m gonna try.

edit : There is one of my creation updated with chinese chatgpt translation, can somebody that speaks it tell me if it’s any good?
Modular Spool Storage Solution

i reversed it in Chatgpt, it seemed acceptable.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Maker Lab now Open - Make My Sign

What sucks is that my makerworld user name is made up so I cant find a good translation. the closest i got is this

eebee (english) = yi bi (chinese). this was translated with chatgpt but when i put it into google translate it means “iberia”

I am still confused about the translations. Do we need to provide translations or will bambulab take care of it but maybe not with the best translation engine? Do i understand it correctly?

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I don’t think user names will be translated.

Maybe MW can provide an option later for designers to create a Chinese user name on that site, for those who want to have one.

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offical reply (needs 25 char)

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Why have an extra page for China at all?

I just don’t understand the point of it.

My good sir… Bambu Labs is headquartered in China… Our beloved Ye Tao is Chinese…

It looks like it is already online, but I can not see any of my designs, and my user doesn’t appear


Of course, I am aware of this, but in a globalized world in which we all live, it made no sense to start a makerspace with reach at the state level again.

The Chinese can simply upload their stuff to, what’s the problem?

I can honestly say I didn’t know china had to have it’s own domain but it’s more so probably having to work with background logistics such as the servers hosting model files and print setting data.

Bambu Labs would need a very large server to host both China & everywhere else which making these separate more than likely prevented any server downtime and/or server lag. Whose to say that china based users also are on the same versions as everywhere else?

I don’t mind it at all. Well deserved for them and everyone.

I’m pretty sure I seen them state something along the lines of the transition happening with waves of users at a time versus everyone all at once. I’d wait it out a bit longer or just keep checking in.

Maybe they’re still migrating users or you didn’t find it since they tack on GLB_ in front of the username. As an example, mine shows up as @GLB_RandomKhaos on the Chinese MakerWorld instead of @RandomKhaos like on the main website.

I did notice one of my models didn’t transfer over, though that may be due to lack of downloads and being too simple of a design.

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Went snooping around and after a quick search i found my user name but they added a GLB (i think it means Global) and my models are there… atleast some. There are a few missing, don’t know why.

But it works, hopefully it will boost everyones models… don’t have high hopes since china is known for having no intelectual respect over anything but we’ll see how it goes

Edit: after going there again to see what models were missing i found that they are in between models there and others not. Some are old, some are new… can @BambuLab clarify why there are models missing?

It’s politics. There’s a number of larger web operators that can’t operate in China, or have a separate version of their product for the Chinese market. I was frankly surprised they are doing a merge/cross like this. I imagine there’s a lot of content on Makerworld that isn’t entirely legal on the Chinese version of the website.

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I’m hoping that they’re still migrating everything over. I found my username too, but it only has 2 of my 14 models.

Another interesting thing is that I have links to my other models in my model descriptions but they’re all still pointing to and not the new Chinese site. I’ll have to wait to see the fallout here, but I don’t see a way we can register on the chinese site to update those model descriptions so I can fix that (once my other models are hopefully uploaded). Any thoughts on how this is going to be handled @MakerWorld @Tanklet ? Thanks!

People might not know that Google and it’s products like Gmail, Drive, Youtube etc are blocked in China and people have to use VPN’s to access them. I learned the hard way on my first trip to China when I couldn’t access my travel documents.

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