
I am having a strange deja-vu experience here

A1 Tiny Poop Deflector v2 by Botolo - MakerWorld

A1mini 废料挡板/导向板 (竹屎挡板)超轻仅3g 来自 神经电流的二进制编码 - MakerWorld

I know it’s not a Da Vinci design, but still :rofl:

That was my concern since the start. How can we report it, if for reporting you need an account?

I don’t even want to go there and take a tiny look just because of that. My models are not “top tier” but…

I’ll be honest, I was just curious to know what was trending there in the printer accessories section. That model was inspired but not stolen and it’s not a big deal.

It’s just funny to me :smiley:

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This one’s not purple either. :wink:

I just noticed my most successful model on the international site has only just been added to the Chinese site.

I was taken by surprise the other day to see 10 downloads on the points system for the model when it is just about to hit 20k. It has now hit 20 downloads. Highly unlikely the first ten took three and a half months, but, the second ten took less than two days.

I’m going to create a ticket, which we all know will go nowhere with platitudes and fob-offs rather than a real answer.

The Chinese system being so cut off means we have zero control and significant risk vs reward.

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I’ve got nothing even if the transfer has been completed for months!

Any suggestions are welcomed.

Screenshot 2024-11-13 at 01.31.21

Make sure you set the sync option to all models.

This was meant to be set by default requiring you to opt out, but it is worth checking.

If this is set, create a ticket.

It’s been synced for months as well.

I don’t have popular models, but I was hoping to get at least some points. I have 12 downloads and 8 prints total, but they don’t show up in my « stats » section (ie bar graphs indicate 0 Chinese downloads or prints). Maybe I need to pimp them up!!

Strange: some of my models on the chinese site are not translated at all.

Thanks for your reply.

Can global users download models from the China site?

it would appears so

Ohh yes, I had to click the dropdown to click download as 3mf. Otherwise if I clicked open in bambu studio, it would prompt me to make a new account. Thanks

I can’t access markerworld Chinese site, I never could, I live in Spain, I tried with 3 browsers, Brave, Edge and Opera. Is this site restricted in my country?

Ive never tried to make an account for the site , but i believe its restricted to china ,

It’s strange seeing comments about my models on the site and I can’t respond to them.


My favourite part of MakerWorld China is how Firefox translates the follow button.