New P1S. The good and issues. (Recommend if your getting a new P1S)

Set up the new printer last night. Couple small issues popped up during the setup.

  1. Missing a screw in the frame
  2. PEI plate was barely off center, yet was bumping into the poop chute, so it wouldn’t pass the self test. This might be blamed on shipping, but the hit it would take to move the PEI plate would have probably damaged the box. (Should be a note in the quick start guide to check this)
  3. Because of the missing screw (not loose in the shipping box, so missed at the factory), I decided to check the tightness of the other screws. At least 1/4 were barely finger tight. Most were on the panels, but 2 were on one of the z rod holders, and 3 of the 4 screws on the back holding the x axis rails were not tight. This is a MAJOR QC issue in my mind because of the vibration those screws are subject to.

So that was the not so good part, I’d highly recommend anyone getting a new printer do spot checks on the screws at a minimum. I’ll go through the unit with a flashlight to make sure I get all of the screws checked.

Now for the good.

Torque / pressure sensors for the bed movement are excellent. Learned this from the off center plate. The slightest bump caused the bed to back off. It would try several times but never attempted to push through. Great way to protect the entire mechanism.

Print quality on the demo files was incredible.

Coming from an older Anycubic, I was fascinated watching the speed the head moved at. I get the feeling this has happened to other people coming from old and slow to high speed printers.

Other than the screws, fit and finish is excellent.

With the door closed, noise level considering the speed and the number of fans, was much lower than I expected. Great to hear.

For PLA, removal was very easy when the bed cooled.

Initial impressions of the new printer are very good. From first impressions, yes I’d buy another one.
Initial impressions of Bambu QC, not so good, so any other printer I’d buy will be checked with a fine toothed comb before firing up.

I do see one small design issue. The bearings on the top of the Z rods are open to air. Easy to lube, but this will allow dirt and dust from printing to make its way into the bearing. I will make some covers for those. Grease caps might even be an idea so I could cover the tops with lube and cap it to keep it in place.


Thanks for the writeup, will be curious to see how your Z rods caps turn out.

Just got my P1S today and am currently doing my second print. These are not demo files but my actual production files. First impression: OMG - This thing is FAST and the quality is EXCELLENT!
Quieter than I anticipated, faster than I thought possible (using eSun PLA+), and better results than I expected (and I had high expectations)!
I currently have 10 printers to support my small business and if my testing works out, I’ll buy 3 more, retire my current printers, and still increase production.
I did find a few bugs in the software dealing with the AMS, but was able to work around them. I’ll send a bug report to Bambu (as soon as I learn how).
Extremely impressed!

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I just got my P1S a few days ago and I am coming from a Prusa MK3S+. This printer is a whole different level of quality and accuracy. I am extremely pleased with the prints and the speed of the printer. I was very concerned about noise since I have my printer in my closet, but with the printer door closed and the closet closed its pretty much silent.

Thank you for the heads up regarding the screws, I will go through my unit and check them all over.

My only gripe is that the webcam monitoring is super sensitive/buggy. Not only do you need to be on the same LAN but you need to be on the same WIFI network to see the camera. My desktop is connected to the router via ethernet and the printer is connected via 2.4ghz wifi to the same router. Cant see the camera feed on the desktop. Furthermore, the fact that you cant stream video from outside your local network makes zero sense in a technical aspect. The processor is already streaming data locally, it makes zero difference power-wise if that data is viewed from within the LAN or over WAN. I hope over time they will change these behaviors cause it makes zero sense.

Love my new P1S, and have had some remarkable prints in last few days. Has anyone tried to get the LAN only feature working? I have tried it, I can talk to the printer (light on/off) but sending a print job always fails the password.

If you mean sending prints to the printer via Bambu/Orca Slicer then mine just works out of the box once I log into my account. Unless there is a way to do it without the account which would be the LAN only mode? In that case I have no idea but it could be useful for making the camera work over WAN.

with your own settings or the oem ?

Wanted to update. Having a bunch of issues with 98A TPU jamming up in the extruder. Seems the tension on the filament is way too high.

I used the default settings for PLA Basic and did just a few minor tweaks. Mostly for a smooth top surface. I’ve now tried all of my model parts and have been successful with all of them. Faster printing and better quality. Just ordered 3 more P1S’s!

Just a note, download the Bambu Studio public beta. It has updated P1S definitions added and some of the tools from Orca slicer (like flow calibrations) have also been added.

I have been having issues with the layers after the first layer on the P1S. The issues seems to clear up about 15 - 20 % through the print. I have tried a couple different PLAs and the same exact issue is present. Any suggestions are appreciated. I have tried both standard and tree supports and have the same issue.

From the direction of the layers, it looks like you are printing this on it’s edge. The heat from the build plate may be causing this because the beveled edge starts so thin. If so, try elevating it off the bed and supporting it, or set it 10-15 degrees off the vertical (or do both). Also, if you angle it, use painted supports if there’s too much area being supported. Or print it flat and iron the top.

I’d also change the support spacing. You’d have to try some values as good spacing varies with the object and the filament type.

I’ve never tried printing a beveled object on it’s beveled edge, so I’m “spit balling” these ideas to see if they stick.

There’s a print kicking around on printables for those bearings, if I find it i’ll drop a link. As someone who got a doa printer and a month to get a part from support. The qc worries me. I’m looking to get a second bambu printer and I’m worried. I ordered a spare parts kit for the p1p and have been waiting a month for a missing part from that too… a 6 dollar cable, but still, a 6 dollar cable I paid for. Asking me for picture of the products I did recieve from the spare parts kit and then waiting weeks for replies. Was told they would send a cable and would be contacting by logistics in 1-2 business days. This was last week. Got a tracking number in the same thread from someone elses printer and haven’t gotten a reply since I pointed out I still haven’t got the cable and the printers tracking wasn’t mine. I really wish they would take the money they’re raking in and put it towards domestic support. Getting emails from a chinese employee whose secobd language is english at 2 am is not ideal.

I found it on Sunday. But thanks for the offer!

You are correct that Bambu Studio cannot stream outside LAN, but the Bambu Handy app can.

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Huh, mine hasn’t shown to be possible. But why can’t studio even view the camera over LAN if its not connected to the router through the same method? If the computer is on Ethernet and the printer is on wifi but they go to the same router, it should work. I’ve never experienced that issue before, and it seems others online have the same issue.

PEI plate was barely off center, yet was bumping into the poop chute, so it wouldn’t pass the self test. This might be blamed on shipping, but the hit it would take to move the PEI plate would have probably damaged the box. (Should be a note in the quick start guide to check this)

I want to make sure I understand, you are saying that the magnetically attached plate (the thing you remove and print on) arrived off-center, you tried printing on it without re-centering it (presumably because you didn’t notice) and you considered this to be an indicator of the unit being roughly handled?

On the missing screw… I thought I had the same problem, but in fact it was fine.

On arrival, the P1S has one small screw in one of the two screw holes which are are intended for the filament holder. Furthermore, that screw was too small, and not able to hold in the filament holder.

Then I found, in the accessories box, a small plastic bag with two larger screws, clearly marked as being for the filament holder. So it seems that small screw is only needed for transport. Remove it and throw it away (or put it with the packaging if you prefer). Then attach the filament holder with the 2 screws in the accessories box.

And after all that I noted that the manual did tell me to look in the accessories box for those screws.

I hope your problem is the same one I had, because it is an easy fix. Cheers – Chris

No this was not a filament screw. Yes there’s only one screw there instead of 2, and yes I also had the 2 screws for the holder. This was missing a panel screw in the frame.

No what I am saying is when the printer did it’s initial startup, the problem popped up. It was so little off center that it looked fine with a visual check. As it was the first time ever with a Bambu, I did nit realize the 2 gray pieces on the back corners are use for aligning the bed,

And if you read what I wrote, you’ll see that I didn’t think rough handling was probably the issue as I would have expected damage to the box. But you never know, I put that statement in so people know to physically check the alignment, not just rely on a visual check.