No cure under extrusion

P1P started under extruding 2 weeks ago. My cure was to increase nozzle temp. That worked for a while.
Not today. The first layer is translucent, does not reach wall , and infill will not form.

Attempted cures;
Change temps. No luck
Clean nozzle. No luck
New nozzle. No luck
Reel tension. It is good
Factory reset. No luck
Slice on 2 different computers. No luck

Does anybody really know what time it is?
Or what might be wrong?

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It is currently 23:45 BST.

What might be wrong is a more challenging question. Disclaimer: I’m not particularly experienced in print defect diagnostics.
First, I’d check the basic filament settings like nozzle and bed temp are within manufacturer spec. Assuming they are, my theory is linear advance isn’t set right. Try to calibrate it and see if it helps.
The under extrusion looks to be happening only near walls - when the print head is decelerating or accelerating. My understanding is linear advance is responsible for adjusting flow based on speed to get consistent extrusion.

That sounds like a software issue.
I am guessing hardware because I had been printing various iteration of the same part for 2 days.
Then one morning total junk.
Either way, I am not smart enough to work it out.
TS has not replied yet.
No sugar tonight.

Just a thought, do you have a high retraction setting? But if you are printing several parts without issue and suddenly this issue after days of good printing, then its not retraction either. Sounds like hardware to me as well. Linear advance issue would be consistently an issue if it was, so that also is not the cause as far as I can think. I am now very curious to know what is doing that.

I would suggest checking for physical problems too. Check the filament path and make sure it moves smoothly. If that checks out, double check the extruder isn’t slipping. If you can easily move the primed filament you might have to tighten the extruder preload tension spring.

If the extruder seems nice and tight, I would also measure your filament. Check and see if it’s too large. Never had that happen to me, but it can occur. Shouldn’t be much larger than 1.75 but I think the machine can make do up to around 1.80 -1.85 mm, but more that might cause an issue.

Basically, you are checking for anything that could bind the filament or make it slip in the extruder.

If all that fails, double check the file isn’t the issue and make sure to try another know good file.

I have been thru all that and then some.
Just got feed back from TS.
The problems out of bounds for them, so they sent it off to the engineers.
Guess I am not working for a while. Should not have sold the sidewinder.

Trying to think logically about the issue: both improper hardware and software configs can cause intermittent issues such as what I believe you’re experiencing (e.g. raising the nozzle temp too high may’ve compensated for under extrusion caused by improper linear advance by effectively over extruding, but after several prints resulted in a partial clog, leading to more under extrusion). I’m obviously not ruling out hardware, but it seems you’ve checked only for hardware issues, the software aspect has not been considered. I’d still suggest linear advance calibration, even if it ends up not being the cause, it won’t hurt and doesn’t take long to do.

I have read of people have strange issues with the included SD card. Have you tried changing the card for a new one?

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In the wee hours last night the solution came from the engineers in China.
The K factor or flow control was incorrect. Ran the calibration and all is well.
It turns out that somehow, I missed that great briefing in the sky.
I had no idea that P1P users must calibrate K factor for every filament and every manufacturer.
I was told there is an imminent release of Lab that will make all this easier-better.

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So, what is the K factor they suggested?

You must run the flow calibration. It works just like the print calibration on a photo printer.
In Handy on the right side of the screen you see the AMS icon and an external reel icon.
Click on the cali icon fill in the data, and print the cali gcode. Find the best looking line. press next and enter the associated number into the box.
Alternately, if you click on a reel icon you can enter the K factor if you know it. (keep a notebook to log each test)
Trick hack. the default K factor is 0.02

I was just about to say how nozzle clogs can be hard to track down on this machine - I had two weeks of ~1/3 of my prints being underextruded - it took some serious cold pulls to fix it.

But looking at your pictures, k-factor is pretty obvious: when slowing down/speeding up for the end of a line or a turn, you’ll get the strongest k-factor effects. I’m sure now you know, but try having it way too high or way too low and you’ll see that same characteristic. Hopefully this experience helps you see it in the future.

This is the link to flow calibration.

Told you :smile: Good to know I’m not as bad at print defect diagnostics as I thought.
Glad you’ve got it sorted :+1:

Well, In my defense, in 9 years of printing on 6 different printers such issues have always been hardware related. Guess the old dog needs to learn new tricks.