No model pic

I uploaded a new model with a picture of the model after i printed it, my model was taken down for no model pic, i appealed and they upheld their decision… what do i have to do? i explained that i did upload a printed image.

You should always view the live product information you provided as if you were a user.

It is amazing how many times I catch something dumb I did and I quickly edit the model to fix the issue.

These days immediately set the PRIVATE model option whilst completing all the model details, photos and more. This way, I can review everything as the user will see it and correct any errors.

Only when I am happy do I change it to PUBLIC.

I also have a simple checklist that I tick off as I provide information. Last two steps: review listing & make public.


Add your model back up as a new listing.

Remember; measure twice, cut once. Some old teacher kept banging on about that at school decades ago.

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