No ratings?

Does anyone somehow get the feeling that there are no ratings of models lately? Has this been suspended, is it being revised or are people really not rating anything any more? Normally there are always one or two ratings, maybe a few, but there are some. But apparently none at all?

Kind regards

everything is ok , kust recieve a couple of ratings, this morning ā€¦ but have problem with the download, people dw my things, and show me finished prints but the dw counter hasnt movet ā€¦

Last rating I received was ā€œ2024-03-25 23:56ā€

I usually get 1-3 a day, but itā€™s not uncommon to go a day without

I cannot confirm this. I get about 20 a day pretty consistently with occasional spikes noted particularly around the beginning of each month. This may be attributed to the monthly point reward period reset.

Since our latest release weā€™ve gained spikes of likes. But what Iā€™ve noticed is more so how MakerWorld is setup with showcasing categories. They get flooded with lots of multiples of 1 design and pushes others out of being shown front page.

If your model isnā€™t on Handy itā€™s more than likely to be on the webpage. Right now were trying to become verified which has proven to be a hassle sadly

Iā€™ve seen a huge drop in the analytics. My views are around the same, but the likes/collects/downloads/prints have dropped in half nearly. Iā€™m still getting reviews and stuff, although it does seem to have slowed?

It seems unusual. Thereā€™s an ebb and flow Iā€™ve noticed with user engagement, and itā€™s common to see that drop coming into Monday since people are most actively printing on the weekends. The drop was a lot more sudden than anything Iā€™ve seen on previous weekends though, and usually the view count drops too, but itā€™s been steady.

With some of the things others have said, it makes me wonder. I wonder if theyā€™re changing something on the back end, or if thereā€™s something else going on? I mean, I donā€™t think itā€™s just me at this point, based on otherā€™s comments here and elsewhere.


downt know but from 2 days, the dw count its not ok , its going down,recieve reviews my friends tells me that they printed my stuffs but , doesnt count, and just open a ticket about thatā€¦ also the board is not ok

Hanno abbassato i download a 5 massimo al giorno e le stampe te ne conta solo 1

I also have a model with 0 Prints and 1 review, this was near to impossible
I think there are some problems with all the points/review/download/prints/analytics system. I wish they will fix this as soon as possible

I only have a few ratings overall, measured in terms of downloads. Especially in the last few days, with > 100 downloads, not one rating. If others have received ratings in the last two days, thatā€™s probably the case that itā€™s ok.

I blame the fact that the downloads sometimes drop drastically on the fact that the system has been changed so that more models rotate and there is not always a fixed order. In the beginning it was quite rigid, so if you didnā€™t make it to the top, you were out of luck and hardly had a chance of being visible at all. The models with extremely high downloads are still at the top of the site.

I think ratings works normally, itā€™s just that not all users will rate profilesā€¦ I always rate a model to let other peoples know if the model is good or not.

The problems is with the print, yesterday i got a rating but i have no prints.
You can rate a model ONLY if you print

I agree 100% and am seeing the exact same trend.

It feels like they have started limiting points on the back end by ā€œmissingā€ downloads, rating and prints. Last 3 days hasnā€™t topped 130 points each. Prior to that my worst days were still above 300.

(Yes, I am a hueforge user but make something that people like and use. I have over 440+ model sets. Use the points for filament so I can print my new models and meet the new publishing requirements.)

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No need to explain yourself :wink:

Me too! Iā€™ve been able to develop things a lot more because of those rewards. I wondered some if they changed things on the back end to pull the rewards in a little; although I think we would have got an announcement of some sort explaining things, if that were the case.


Iā€™m the same bro with 400 + hueforges and donā€™t know , put a ticket and waiting

Me too, Iā€™ve had a huge drop in the last 2 days. I suspect that there is an underlying issueā€¦


Can we get a word from @BambuLab about this issue? Friends have been downloading and printing my models and itā€™s not counting at all. Just now i downloaded a friends model and he confirmed that no download was made at all.

Ratings itā€™s the same, but they come slowly.

Verification is different than other sites, right now itā€™s either direct invite or you have to qualify with:

we will gradually provide this badge to creators who have won a Top 3 award in contests and are consistently active on MakerWorld.

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You can just write them an E-Mail. It took them 1 or 2 days vor the ā€˜verificationā€™. I have not won a Top 3 award.