No response from support

No-one is taking care of my support ticket. It has been 5 days since an update. Has BambuLabs gone out of business and I haven’t heard about it?

Mine was 6 weeks. That was after 3 escalations.

Good luck.

Depending on your request, it can be quicker.

For example, if they lose your printer, it takes weeks. If you spot a typo or something of equal less importance, a response can take less than 24 hours for a response.


Lurk around here for a bit. 5 Days? That ain’t nuthin. :joy:Wait till the Chinese New Year kicks in, if you don’t get an answer before then, you’ll be lucky if you hear from them much before mid March.

Check out this thread with all the happy customer testimonies.

This isn’t good to hear. One of the few things I have been impressed with since switching a Bambu printer is how quickly they responded to my ticket, and warranteed the replacement parts. Hope this isn’t another sign of things to come.

If you happened to luck out and hit them with a “known” problem that has an “easy” remedy, they are very quick to get that ticket off their desk and often that will involve them sending free hardware. However, where it breaks down is when the problem isn’t as quick. That then becomes the death of a thousand paper cuts and back and forth emails.