I’m a newbie to 3D printing. Downloaded an Stl file, am getting nonmanifold edges. Only PC bambu studio can fix automatically. Naturally I have a mac. Can anyone explain what I need to fix? I know I can create a PC on the mac, want to understand manifold edges.
Non-manifold geometry is defined as any edge shared by more than two faces. This can occur when a face or edge is extruded but not moved, which results in two identical edges directly on top of one another.
So basically you have overlapping edges that cannot be printed.
Thank you. I would never have guessed that meaning.
After importing a car model exported from Archicad in STL file format, I encountered the same error message. I have a partial understanding of the issue, but could you kindly explain the possible reasons behind the absence of layers in the preview model?
can be fixed by searching “free online stl repair tool” online. formware has one, but I cant include the link on this forum.
the formware tool is awesome! thnx
Yes, the FormWare tool works well. Now that many have found it, I often have to wait hours for my turn in the queue.
Does it take .3mf files, not sure if that is the issue I am having or just an error when I upload a file
I find the same thing. I upload my file and then it sits, and I wait, but then it times out and never gets fixed.
In my case, it was solved by activating supports.
While there isa lot of online tools to fix model geometry issues or to turn them into solids, there is also the option to just abuse a slicer that does even if your printer does not support it.
Same for modelling softwares, quite a few are able to fix models already upon import, simply check or activate the a fix manually and then save the repaired model.
I am not a Mac user but I know from forum visits that quite a few Mac users deal with bad models and fix them.
If Bambu does not fix your models check what else can that works on a Mac.
No need to learn how the entire software works if all you need is the build in repair options
I have an older Windows PC, so I can share .stl files with it and fix them in Bambu Studio there. That’s the only thing I use if for, Mac marginalization. I know there is a lot of information that I don’t have about Windows, but there are a lot of things that don’t make any sense on either platform. More things make sense to me on a Mac, so I guess I’ll have to resort to these sorts of workarounds when my Mac lacks a sufficient solution.
I had the same issue. Nothing fixed the model. Nothing online, nor Babu studio when you click on “fix model”.
The easy way to do it is download “mesh mixer”.
Import your model, and click “make solid”.
That solved my issue after hours of messing around.
Does anyone know what happens if you try to print despite this issue?
I guess this a try and had no issue, but, perhaps, it depends on the model.