Not extruding after removing clog

Hi everyone,

Today, my X1C formed a clog inside the extruder. It was not the first time. As far as I understand, it comes from high temperatures inside the chamber.
It is not a significant issue as I removed clogs successfully before by removing and opening the extruder.

The problem is that today after I removed the clog I still cant extrude… I even reopened the extruder in the unlikely event a new clog had formed but nope, no clog, the filament path is clear…

This is what happens when I try to extrude PLA with the nozzle at 260… what may be happening? Any ideas?

Triple check all plugs.

How have you verified the filament path is clear? Visual, I have, with my last printer used a guitar string to check the opening.

Do you think this stuttering in the video could be due to a plug-related issue?

I used a piece of filament before I installed the extruder, after removing the clog.

Can you shine a light through the nozzle? You will have to remove it to get a visual.

Does the extruder wheel rotate freely if you order it to retract?

If so, it seems you still have a clog. From the video, it looks like you still have a clog.
If you checked the plugs, as @johnfcooley mentioned, either replace the hotend or verify if the installed one has a clear path.


Have you tried cold pulls?

Hey guys, thanks for the help.

It was a clog in the hotend; I was so focused on the extruder that I didn’t consider the hotend had a clog as well.