Nozzle Clips Part During Travel

Currently printing a model using my Bambu Lab A1, I’ve had this printer for a few months with no issues until now.

During printing I heard a loud vibrating noise, which upon inspection I found that the nozzle is colliding and scraping against the recently printed layer whilst the toolhead is travelling back to its start position.

I am using very small layer height (0.08mm) so I can imagine why this collision is occurring as the change in Z position is much smaller and requires a higher level of accuracy.

Is there an adjustment in the slicer that I need to alter to compensate Z position? Or maybe the printer needs adjustments or maintenance on the Z axis?

Any help greatly appreciated,


That alone is not the reason.

Can you share some screenshots before and after slicing, maybe the 3MF?

Hi there, yes ill include all of those below. I also took a video of the printer during the error but I don’t think I’m able to send it here.

A1antiglarecover.3mf (1.1 MB)


Create a private YouTube video and share that.

Why is this printed at 0.08mm? It doesn’t appear to need that detail.

Good idea, YouTube link:

As for my reasoning for the 0.08mm, I love a print with those almost invisible layer lines, so if time is not a concern I like to go for those high quality feel prints even if it’s unnecessary. Also I have other objects on the same plate which require higher complexity geometry and quality requirements, but my problem only occurs on this one object I included in the earlier post.

Do you noise any defects in the print on the right-side from where the nozzle appears to scratch along the depth of the part?

Are the hidden from camera view sides flat to the bed?

I didn’t notice any major markings on the print after hearing the scraping noise, which made me wonder if the sound were actually coming from elsewhere, but after setting the printer to 50% print speed I could just about see with my eyes that the part was in contact with the nozzle.

Could you elaborate the second question please?


Do you notice anything that should be pressed and flush to the bed during printing having any visible lifting or curling.

Essentially p, is part of the model lifting up, causing the noise to occur.

This can sometimes happen if the part comes partially loose during printing.

Often where there are sharp corners.

You could try this:


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I just took a close look but the part seems to be perfectly flush with the build plate and adhered properly. Also the noise seems to be getting louder, almost as if its becoming more out of Z alignment with each layer printed.

Just looked into this, seems like a smart setting to try.

Thank you.

Try also to turn off “Others → Reduce Infill Retraction”.
Have the same problem on my A1 mini from day one - on larger prints sometimes it scrapes the infill on travel moves. More often on the smaller layer height.

Worked like a charm, no more scraping.

Thank you!

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Running on the bambu slicer software, it was selected on by default to my knowledge, unless i unknowingly selected it whilst messing around with print settings, even then i wouldn’t have saved it like that permanently.

It might require advanced option to be enabled.

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