Hi All,
Hoping someone can help be get to the bottom of the issues I’m having. I’m looking at a 95% failure rate at this moment in time. Had my A1 since Christmas 2024, got a hold of the FDG miniature and terrain profiles. Adjusted the temperatures to suit Sunlu PLA meta filament and was having great results with minimal stringing for about a week. Since then I’ve been having a lot of trouble with the nozzle knocking my prints off the bed and causing spaghetti.
I can pre-answer some common suggestions for this.
I have recently lubed up the rails.
I have Zhop when retract enabled, setting the threshold distance to 0 for that makes no difference, the prints still get knocked.
Adhesion seems perfectly fine, I wash my bed every 3-4 prints and checking the first layer looks smooth and well laid. Bed temp is 65. I print first layer at 200 and the rest at 185. (I should note that I have also tried to print at 200 and 220, which made no difference)
I haven’t ever used Grid infill, I only ever use Gyroid or Lightning and it’s always set to around 5%.
I’ve checked the screws behind the nozzle, all tight, couldn’t even move one 1/8th of a turn and doesn’t seem to be any play in the toolhead.
For smaller, less bed contact models I’ve been using a 10-15mm brim, and while that sometimes helps, it’s not a guarentee.
I have tried lowering the flow ratio from 0.98 to 0.95 just incase I was over extruding.
I have tried Zhop at all levels from 0 - 1.4 (overkill i know, but it was worth a shot)
The knocking happens regardless of nozzle size, I have used both a 0.4mm stainless and a 0.2mm stainless.
The smaller the layer heights, the sooner the knocking occurs, which makes sense to me due to less tolerance for error at small heights, which suggests the problem is with the Z axis.
I have reduce infill retraction disabled and avoid crossing wall enabled.
I don’t know if this is important but if I try to print multiple models at the same time my failure rate is about 100%.
I can’t be 100% on this but from what I’ve witnessed the knocking seems to occur during travel moves, rather than layer or infill.
At this point I feel like I’ve tried just about everything I can think of but my printer just refuses to behave. I’ve also seen posts about Bambu Studio potentially not generating Zhop movements properly, which I’m hoping is not the case since that would mean this issue is over a year old with no software fix in sight.
Any help you could offer would be greatly appreciated. I’m relatively new to 3D printing but I’ve already learned a lot so don’t feel like you would need to dumb anything down for my benefit. At this point I will settle for a print completing, I can always fine tune for quality later. Thanks in advance.