I found a few work arounds to keep printing but the nozzle suddenly cooling and stopping the print finally became very strange. Today I traced it to the sd card. Though I I I I can set the temperature of the nozzle and it will heat up and maintain the correct temperature for many minutes, when I try to print it is now cooling off almost immediately. When I tried to eject the card it said “no card found” even though the card was there and I ejected it. I tried to print without the card and was told it needed the card to print. I cleaned out the sd slot with the vacuum and replaced the card and it would start to print and the nozzle would immediately cool off. It still told me there was no sd card when I went to eject it. I can see video files of print jobs but it still says there is no card. I reformatted the SD card and tried to print something and it printed well for about ten minutes then went back to the same old problem. So I have no files to send you. Now it cools off immediately if I try to continue the print job.
I did send the log files of my most recent attempt to print to where you send tech ticket stuff. It is now printing for about 16 minutes before the nozzle quits heating and shuts down the job. Any attempt to restart it makes the nozzle shut off immediately though if I don’t restart the print the nozzle will hold the correct temperature indefinitely.
A factory reset did not solve the problem.
Same thing is happening to my hotend after I updated my firmware… I don’t know if that has something to do with it but I can’t get anything to print at the moment.