Nozzle Tip Fell Off


I’m a newbie to the x1c and to the forum.

I had an issue during my 2nd print that the tip off the nozzle fell off.

I should note that I left the printed material of stripes on the cooling plate.

Please, see the pics for better understanding.

The cooling plate has now engravings.

My question is if I can fix the nozzle? Or what should I do?

None of this is good. That nozzel is now broken, you’ll be replacing it.

I’m not even sure how it didn’t stop itself from gouging the bed, you need to put in a ticket.

Is that the stock nozzle? This shouldn’t happen on a stock machine.

Thanks for your response.

Yes, it is the stock nozzle (and overall system).

I’ve already put one ticket. What are potential verdicts for such a ticket?

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Your printer came with a second nozzle that you can install while waiting to hear back from support.

Did you happen to maybe:

  • Start the second print
  • Realize the build plate wasn’t in the machine (due to the printer not finding the build plate ID)
  • Place the build plate on the print bed
  • Resume the print


9 times out of 10 things like this are user error. The last schitzy 10% are indeed QC issues with the printer.

Shrug it off, play the support ticket game to the letter (including pictures of your serial number, order number and the issue), do the above suggestions of installing your spare and using a spare sheet, re-read the user manual in case you did indeed cause this, and keep going.

We have all made boo boos. We will all make more.

Wrong, this is 100% manufacturing defect. Nozzle is interference fitted and if it falls out, it’s a manufacturing defect. The worst that can happen due to user error is nozzle slamming into something and tube located in between of the heater and radiator get bent.


I have to agree. The nozzle piece is pressed into the assembly during manufacturing and even a hit so hard that it bends the assembly should not make the tip come loose.


No, I followed the written steps in the manual as this was my only second print.

I got a response to my ticket and they will be sending replacements for both the nozzle part and the plate sticker.

Thank you all for your replies.

It feels good to join a community with such good samaritans like you.


Mine just did the exact same thing…

Do you think this might be the root cause of your temperature fluctuations in the bad print quality thread? The nozzle was loose.

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I wish but this was actually a brand new 0.4mm nozzle… The other nozzle (new as well) was a 0.6mm

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Mine did exactly the same thing last night, except it also dug into the bed :(. I have a ticket open with support.

Not sure about the other post. However, my own experience with changing nozzles has taught me that bad print quality might mean the machine is set to the wrong nozzle size.

In the maintenance tab (on the machine itself) you can choose to tell it what nozzel is installed. If you put in a 0.6 or 0.8 and leave it at 0.4 on the machine… It’s not going to print properly.

Now there could be a lot of other issues going on but for me, that’s usually the issue. I either didn’t change the nozzle in the printer settings… Or slicer … Or both…

Yea, I actually found that too… I did make sure it was set correctly. I think my machine actually had multiple problems. Bambu is sending me a new one thankfully.

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Hi I’ve written this to another thread but I guess this here is the right one. So I experienced the same issue. I installed my new x1c yesterday, I printed the Benchy and then I try to print a spare spool, that fails. Sadly I didn’t make picture form that but at the end it looks like the pictures above. Both nozzle are damaged and both loose the tip while printing. I guess that the cleaning process at the beginning of a print causes this issue.

This is a QC issue at a minimum and more likely a design issue… These tips are press fit. In no way should the wiper, extruder pressure, etc, be able to make this to fall off. Honestly the tip should be made with lip so that the only way it is to press it out is backwards through the hot end (while still being a press fit around the diameter).

I think I’m going to make one in fact… Just so happen to have a hobby machine shop in my garage. Might just figure out a way to get a wiper worth a damn too.

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But this is an issue of the X1c and not of the nozzles?! Or did I misunderstood you?

In this case, I would think it’s the nozzles but the x1c has other issues of the same type as well (QC).