Odd artifacts where Inner wall ends. Is there any way to fix this? Only appears in Arachne mode.
There are a 1001 things that could influence that but no way to tell by zooming in on one small section of a slice.
I make you a trade. You tell me what’s going on in this image and I’ll tell you what’s going on in yours.
@leftclickwin, It looks like you have a gnarly mesh wall that has a variable thickness on this side.
Im very new to slicing and printing so thats why im asking, i have no idea whats up with your print, sorry.
Thanks for the cleaner view. I can see by looking at the top profile (which looks like a pen shape if you will) is made using a non-geometeric shape. What I mean in terms of this design is that you are using a spline which does not have fixed parameters that make it completely uniform in the thick to thin transition. So, what does that mean? To make it a bit more simple, lets take an arch which would be created by using an arch command. The arch is considered a portion of a circle which is geometric. Now, instead of using the arch command, let’s say your simply draw that same arch by freehand. The freehand version will certainly not be a uniform and continuously tangential curve (it will not be completely C2 continuous). So, when we think about it like this and then take it into a slicing program, it is going to make assumptions about your hand drawn curve that aren’t going to be the same as when bringing in the geometrically drawn curve. The geometric mesh will consist of largely uniformly shaped triangles. The hand drawn will be a “guestimate” of those triangles. So, you will end up with the odd looking layer you show. It’s akin to icing a cake that was formed in a cake pan. The icing is approximately the shape of the cake inside right? It’s not uniform though is it?
I hope this helps explain it.
@Olias, I’m just guessing since you threw it out there. If I were to look at your stl or step file, I believe I would see two semi-cylinders protruding from your object in this area. Now, those may be separate objects in your native file that are getting lumped into the main object when saved out if you aren’t seeing them in the native model. In CAD programs such as Solidworks, this can happen when there are multiple bodies within one part, yet some of the parts are “hidden” from view. When you go to save out he model as a stl or step file, it will sometimes bring in the hidden models. So, there is a “delete body” command that must be implemented prior to saving sometimes.
Alright thanks, but why would it only be in arachne mode and not classic? And do you know a fix for it?
Because classic mode is assuming a certain uniform wall. The truth is that if you were to micro measure the wall thickness, you would find that the arachne is more accurate to the actual model because it varies the line width according to the geometry. The classic mode is like “rounding up” (or down).
Good eyes my friend.
I found a solution, i changed the mode to classic and set X-Y contour compenstion to 0.1mm.