Option to Replace Prime Tower with designated object

When printing multi-color, it would be nice to have an option to replace the default prime tower that it prints to change colors with a suitable object imported to the print bed. This way, the filament used to make the prime tower doesn’t go to waste and doesn’t interfere with the color of the original print like it can with the “purge to infill” option.

Maybe under advanced settings, have an option to “Replace prime tower” and then designate which body on the print bed will become the ‘primer’.
There will probably need to be some calculations run to make sure that the designated object has the necessary geometry, and maybe some ‘auto-rescale’ features to grow or shrink the primer object so that it is the right size to use for all color changes in the print. (Obviously it would also have supports if necessary)

Of course, the user would understand that the primer object will print with color bands and may not have as high a quality as the rest of the print, but this is a great way to use the filament that would otherwise be wasted while also not interfering with the quality of the main purpose of the print.

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You can add a different object, set that to accept purge and reduce the size of the prime tower.

If your “purge into” model is suitably sized and you check it is the first item to be printed, you could try turning off the prime tower.

I haven’t tried it, do so at your own risk and sit and watch the printing process. Obviously, it would be important take confirm the model you want is printed after the fake purge model. This may take some playing around with the order of insertion of models to the build-plate as you cannot manually choose print order.


Someone was doing exactly this about a year ago, made tree ornaments and tables, IIRC. You might want to search the older posts.
