Orca adds really cool features to 1.9

I’ve only been using this since they released it 48 hours ago but I am already excited as to what I found so far.

There’s still more in this release that I haven’t yet discovered yet so please anyone who finds more, add on to this post. Some of these have obvious use-cases, other’s like the tilt text, I haven’t figured out yet where it can be useful.

  1. Ability to hide the side panel. Clicking on the icon moves the side panel out of the way and gives you more screen real estate. I hope they add this to the device screen so that we can get a more full screen view of the video.

  1. Completely redesigned text tool.
  • Has word-processor-like features like left/right/center justification.
  • Text can be set as Join(plane text tool like Bambu), Cut(remove text), Modifier(create 100% infill)
  • Sizing based on text height not font points.
  1. But the big item is a measurement and scaling tool. It brings CAD-like abilities to dimensional sizing.
  1. Added a filament used by function so you can better gauge what type of extrusion is using the most filament. Useful when trying to increase printing speed or cost per part.
  2. Import directly an SVG file. I could have used this multiple times but had to previously do this in CAD.

My toilet plunger handle design using an emoji. This SVG feature would have saved me hours and I could have done it inside the model.


Did you know that shift+tab hides and shows the side panel in Bambu Studio?

That changing dimension thing is really cool.

Too many to list, but you can go to Releases · SoftFever/OrcaSlicer · GitHub to see the updates. Scroll down to OrcaSlicer V1.9.0 Alpha Release and work your way up to see the changes that were made up to the Official release.