Outer/Inner Order of Walls Initial Layer Only

Hello All, I printing an object that has text on the first few layers. The text are mainly numbers, and I’m having a 40% fail on the initial layer with small parts of the text. For example the number 8 has two small pegs in the middle once sliced with Bambu Studio. This is expected, but when the printer starts on the initial layer it will start by printing the inner part of the peg, which is a small circle. Then it will print the next ring out from the center then the third ring out from the center. All as expected as my Advanced/Order of Walls is set to inner/outer. Put the problem is the initial very small ring in the center of the peg of the number 8. It is so small that sometimes it does not adhere to the print surface. Then this floating piece of molten plastic gets stuck to the next ring out and that does not adhere to the bed, and so on.

So I was thinking to over come this issue, I set the Advanced/Order of Walls to outer/inner so that the fist ring printed is the larger of the rings, and therefore more area to adhere to the bed, as it works inwards the next ring has the previous larger ring and the bed to adhere to.

Now I tested this theory and it works good, but if I have the outer/inner set for the order of walls, this will continue the entire print. Is there a way to have Order of Walls set to outer/inner for only the initial layer or first 1, 2 or 3 layers, then for all other layer be set to inner/outer to handle small overhangs.

The only way I can think of doing this is to cut and paste G-Code, but this would be a nightmare and open for human error, for which would come easy for me!

Has anyone a solution or is this something that would need to be ask of Bambu Labs to maybe consider this as an add-on for Bambu Studios?

Cheers and thank you any help and suggestions with this.

How about changing the order in which the colors are printed for the first layer only? To fist print the “8” and then the other colors? Could that solve the issue or just move it elsewhere?

By clicking the nut symbol next to a plate, you can specify (not only) the first layer color sequence.

Thank you for your response, appreciated. Although I do have an AMS Lite, I would rather not need to use two of the same colour for one print. I think I understand what your are suggesting, maybe I have it wrong? But I think for the print I currently have I will print fine all the way up using otter/inner sequence. But I will test a couple fist, but so far so good.

I will try and request that an option be provided for the first, say three layers that the order of wall can be different to that of the layers 4 to the end.

Once again thank you EnoTheThracian for your assistance.


Oh, no worries. I had a very similar issue almost a decade ago when trying to print €100 shopping cart coins. The little peg in the centre of the “0” just did not print properly. By printing the color of the numbers after the surrounding color, that little peg was placed into a nice stabilizing surround.

Seeing as to how small the achievable details are with a Bambu, you may however also want to check adhesion issues. Even tiny “drops” are usually printable nowadays with good plate cleaning and adhesive/release stick application.

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