Overextrusion or oozing on beginning and ending of a line or layer

I’ve solved issue with my printer. It turns out that this issue was caused by config bug after update: Is there a way to rollback the P1P firmware update?

After dynamic flow calibration everything is back to normal

Bug seems to be P1P related but maybe it is worth to check this setting?

I am newbie so I thought I’ve done something wrong but in the end I learned importance of dynamic flow and to use forum search instead of google

And some responses to Your questions:

  • I had problems with printing. Those blobs were so big that hotend was hitting them and destroying any attempt to print
  • From what I was reading wet filament causes different issues that those in our photos. Small blobs everywhere, in our case those are rather big ones and in same places.
  • After calibration I still have small blob at the end of test line, but this is way smaller one than before, and print so far seems ok, so I am fine with this
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