Overhang Issues

I started to run into issues with my X1C and some PLA and so I went back to see if it was a temp issue or some other issue. 1 Benchy was at like 70% fan speed and chamber closed and up around 44C (my wife closed the door not knowing why it was open). The slightly better benchy was at 100% fan, door open, external fan blowing, chamber temp was 35C.

Bambulabs X1C
Print temp: 220C
Bed/Temp: Wham PEX 60C
Polymaker PLA Pro

Overhang was facing the left side fan.

Chamber was around 43C

Modified all Fan to be 100% and used a high flow external fan. Chamber was 35C

I manually stopped the benchy as I knew there was an issue but when it does finish the top overhangs look pretty good (not perfect but good).

Id make sure the blower is actually turning on and working. I have had similar issues on other printers when the blower fan is suppose be on, but actually not working.
I would check the plugins in the area here. Maybe as simple as one you see in picture that is missing is loose from the main housing. That would keep it from blowing and would explain whole issue.


I hate Polymaker PLA Pro, it was super sensitive to speed for me and just had tons of artifacts. How fast did you print your test pieces at? I generally had to drop the speed 25% to 50% to get things cleaned up. I’d start out at less than 10 mm³ for volumetric flow. However, I didn’t try bumping up the temps and probably should have, but ultimately, I gave the remaining spool away.

Granted your issues don’t look speed related, however that is something I noticed as really problematic with that filament. Maybe run a quick volumetric flow max speed test from Orca and see if you are printing close to the edge of its limits.

Also, I’d suggest doublechecking you tool head cover and fan ducts to make sure they aren’t obstructed.

Also… I’m assuming you haven’t significantly changed the minimum layer time. Is that correct?

I have not changed the minimum layer time, this section is one of the longest layer times. I have a bunch of prints using this material and feel it turns out pretty good.

I have checked and there is a good amount of air blowing on the head fan.

I found that Polymaker PLA Pro is not great with overhangs. I slowed it down to 4.5 mm3/s and had pretty good success with that. It’s great for rigid parts, but not if the part has lots of significant overhangs.


Will give this a try here in a bit. I am not looking at the interface now but can I slow down just the overhand?

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Yeah, see the screen shot for an idea of what normal settings look like. I’d take the settings down to 0, 30, 15, and 10 to start. You can see what gives you good performance and then ramp up a little.


Had a similar thing happening here with PLA. I noticed that when I place the object differently on the bed, more to the left and with the critical parts close to the aux fan, it will improve a lot. Make sure the aux fan blows with 100%

I also have had some problems with overhangs. I believe this may at least partially be due to the higher temperatures we are using compared to the filament supplier’s recommend temperature range. When you select the “slow down for overhangs” option, the nozzle is moving at roughly the speed of a “normal” printer, however the temps are still high, so the filament tends to droop over the perimeter edge as it’s only laying down over half the previous layer (give or take, depending on your extrusion width and the angle of the overhang). If the cooling is already at 100%, the only way to fix this would be to fit a better part cooling fan or better designed duct, to ensure the filament solidifies before it can droop off the edge. I’d also try unticking that slow down option and see if it works better.

I dropped the speeds down to what you recommended and it looks like the same as the better of the prints from above, here is a new print.

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Yep, I have a print that looks like the better of the pictures above where I moved the object all the way to the left right in front of the aux fan at 100% (which is noticeably louder).

Was that with both the aux fan and the part cooling fan? Or was the aux fan disabled?

All fans were at 100%. So I didn’t change anything, I’m checking my old settings and doing more prints to verify but it’s gotten better. You can see the bow is much much better. The back and sides still have some issues, this one was with the back pointing toward the AUX fan and the bow was into the “heat” / center of the machine.

I wondering if its a loose part cooling fan connector. The last one is in line with what I would expect.

Yeah that is what I suggested to him at beginning of the thread I don’t think the cooling fan is turning on.

I’ve checked the cables, they all seem firm and I’ve put a finger there to verify it’s running good too. I’ve done a few more prints and those have been good too. Maybe a filament issue because I’m back to the settings I started at and it’s working good.

Mine has been randomly doing this with PLA Pro too.

It got better but started doing it again.

The problem is that Bambu Lab doesn’t review or update his wiki for help users to solve the most frequent or common problems or the ones with the most views or publications on the forums… It’s also been a long time since it releases firmware updates