Overhang wall treatment in Bambu Slicer/Orca

Just thought I’d bring light to the subject Robert Cowan speaks about in his latest video and request BBL to look in to correcting it. In a previous video, he showcased a 75-degree overhang test that Prusa was bragging about with the release of their MK4S. In that video, he printed a dish with a 75-degree overhang that looked beautiful on a MK4S but absolutely terrible on the X1C. I printed it on a P1S, and it came out great, so we had a little back and forth on his original video where he ultimately decided to look into it more, likely after seeing multiple people say the same. In his research, it seems as though he and a few other contributors found a Bambu Studio/Orca Slicer bug dealing with how the slicer treats overhangs. Also interesting to note, Prusa fixed this bug in their slicer previously.

TLDR, Bambu Studio and Orca see some overhangs as bridges and prints them WAY too fast. The funny part is BS and Orca both recognize the wall as an overhang but treats them as bridges. Personally, I’ve saved a speed change in my profiles to account for this, which will be needlessly too slow for actual bridges but will correct the mistaken overhang performance issue people see in the BBL printers. At least I believe this accounts for that bad rep in overhang performance, but it also makes me wonder if the bad rep on bridges is created by a similar oversight. Either way, his latest video does seem to showcase the X1C is actually quite great in overhangs.

Fascinating video and quite educational. Thanks for sharing.

There is one part of the video at time stamp 8:13 https://youtu.be/HcSOz-Lsxgg?t=491 where he says:

There is a clear differentiation between a bridge and an overhang. This is something that Prusa very obviously knew about and fixed, while other slicers on the market have yet to address this flaw. I am not sure if they were aware of this and exploited it for the recent launch of the MK4, where the review guide very clearly states to print out these overhang tests. When you print these with other printers, knowing that almost every slicer like Orca Slicer and Bamboo Studio are going to have that flaw, the same model is going to look inferior. This wasn’t simply a case of a hardware upgrade where they picked the perfect fan and got the airflow right.

So he says that he’s not sure that Prusa knew about the fact that the test conditions for Prusa Slicer would exploit a flaw in Orca/Bambu Studio. Yeah… right… sure Prusa didn’t know… and I have a bridge I’d like to sell you. :grin:

No thanks, my bridges are fine. Have any good overhangs?

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