P1P Firmware issues? Same file, different firmware = different results


the design of Bambu Lab’s LED Light and Light shell for the P1x-Series is very good and it was one of the first things I have printed when the P1p arrived las year. Printing the parts worked like a charme without any problems.

A few days ago I decided to print it again in other colors with orange PETG instead of clear PETG and install a second light into my P1p.

I used the same filament, only in a different color and it took me about 10 prints and slowing down the printer heavily (after slicing with reduced speed settings for the printer and added support) it took about ~4 hours for printing only the clear part of the light shell.
It didn’t work without support or at the silent setting (50% speed) of the P1P. Everytime the printer kicked the part from the heatbed or it became loose.
Last year with one of the first firmware versions I printed it at standard speed setting (100%) without support without any problems and it came out perfectly.

Now with the firmware a year later and nothing changed on the printer I have big problems and have to slow it down, add additional support to get the same results.

What’s wrong here? :slight_smile:

Your firmware…Try reversing to the previous version, the one that worked best for you…if this option is still available on your printer, as it seems that not everyone could do that.


I agreed with @drakko but just know that Bambu cut off our retreat back to 1.3 and if you were counting on backreving pre 1.4. your screwed.

Having said that. You did not mention if you dried you filament first and cleaned the plate with dishwashing detergent and very hot water. Both of these would produce the exact same problem you described.

Another thing you can do before you clean your plate, try moving the print to a location on the plate that gets the least amount of use. See if you can get different results. If you do, that’s the smoking gun that your plate was contaminated.

BTW: I stopped using Bambu PETG because it’s not only 2X the cost of what I can get on Amazon and also inferior, but it required a lot of drying right out of the bag.

Also, have you performed a first layer test on your build plate? Until you have, you can’t really be certain that you don’t have contaminants on the build plate.

Here are two example photos where I deliberately smudged the plate with my finger print. I used the high temp plate because fingerprints readily show on the smooth black surface. On a textured PEI plate they are invisible. I then printed a first layer test and you can easily see how the material did not adhere.

Here is the same experiemnt with textured PEI.

Blank Plate. Looks clean, right?

First layer test. Not so clean after all.