P1p first layer is no longer as good as before

Hey guys so since I did the last update to be at the latest firmware my first layer is lost it’s textured finish. I tried reverting to the previous firmware and still same issue. Support asked to to check the belt tension, recalibrate and manual level. Now I’m found calibration on the K value but the one value that looks best has problems with adhesion and one corner will lift lol, if I change it back to default it will print with no lift lol. Any other ideas from the group as to what I should try next?


having the same issues with me x1c.

Love to know what to do here

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Any chance you relocated the machine?
I remember watching do all the vibration calibration, and thinking to myself, I need to do that every now and then.

Could also be dry vs wet filament.
Have you scrubbed the matte with isopropyl? All those grooves will love collecting finger oil from removing parts over time.

Nop … doesn’t matter which of the over 20 filaments I have or new vs old still bad 1st layer. I was able to get it to work a bit better doing the cali of the k value, then flow calibration for each of my filaments which is just annoying as before the default worked awesome;(.

You may want to try lowering your z-offset on the textured build plate. I lowered mine to -0.11 for a perfect first layer. This section can be found in your start gcode.
;===== for Textured PEI Plate, Cool Plate / PLA Plate =====================
{if curr_bed_type==“Textured PEI Plate”} G29.1 Z{-0.11} ; <-------for Textured PEI Plate {endif}


Finally one person described how to adjust the bamboo lab Z offset. I searched every forum until I found this information. Like you, I was able to fix the first layer distortion by pulling the start Gcode to 0.11. Thank you very much for your information. :clap: :clap: :clap:

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Not to say that was a bad idea, because if it works, you can’t complain about it. However, I would be a little worried that something else is wrong that needs attention. Changing the Z-offset may just be a band-aid.

When ever the prints starts having issues with prints sticking or the Z-offset appears to be an issue, I like to start with two things, running the bed leveling, and confirming the plate is well seated. Things like a change of plates without a recent bed leveling could easy be an issue. Running the bed leveling on a plate that is more reactive to high temps can create a incorrect bed mesh too. So in general, if you are like me and uncheck the bed leveling, make sure you re-enable it when you start having an issue.

That said, if you have done that… updating the Z-offset makes sense.