P1P Printer Not Binding

Struggling to bind the printer to my phone or mac. Get a DHCP error code after a loading wheel that spins forever in the app. It will display the pairing code on the phone and printer but then nothing happens. I’ve spent hours trying to figure this out and no amount of troubleshooting works.

Would love to avoid any sort of port forwarding if possible. Anyone know a fix? Thanks in advance

Same for me. Tried using personal hotspot and reinstalling Handy app to no avail.

I have the same problem, I’ve tried so many different things to see if I can get it to connect. Seems like it just can’t bind it.

Same as well, I have a ticket open with them and am hoping that they can resolve. Seems that the new firmware may have borked this bad.

Any word back from them? I have a new X1C and am unable to bind also. I get “Network normal please retry” or “Maybe not on the same LAN Cant assign requested address” error. I have tried everything and exhausted all links I have found thus far. I have a Unifi DMP Router and have tried every setting I can think of. Created its own 2.4 network and am using Open DNS currently.

I did but nothing concrete. I had set up the hotspot on my phone and had it connect to that. I had to downgrade my firmware to an earlier release through the app and it worked no problem.

The hotspot alleviated the router not working but don’t know if you’ll have the same luck. Would recommend a ticket if you haven’t already as they are responsive. I am going to try and help them problem solve with some logs now that I have a fix.

Sorry to not be of more help. Best of luck on it though!!

I did do the hotspot method and finally got it to bind. What a major PITA that was. But alls well that ends well. I did get 3 prints done today and learned a good amount for day 1 with a 3D printer. Looking forward to learning so much more. Thank you for the quick reply with a good dose of empathy.

Of course! Glad to hear you’re printing :slight_smile:

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