P1S AMS Auto Refill - Firmware Supported

I also have p1s+AMS. btw I haven’t tested it yet. I assume it’s because of the temperature difference? The identical layer is probably made from a hotter dripping of PLA/PETG material. Or it’s because that AMS needs time to refill to another roll of filaments, and the previous layer has already been too cold.

Is there a program can adjust the temp to be a little higher before refilling using AMS?

it can’t be the diff of temp. it not pass to much time till it loads the next spool.
and then when normally would start new layer on a big print, why it doesn’t miss that entire first line or more? no, it must be something else.
strange thing is, it loads, purge and poops, so the hotend chamber is full. why does not extrude it intrigues me. the hotend just travels but not extrude.
it happened again. i specially left an end piece of filament to print first, and after, it would make the “refill” maneuver. it did. and again left some empty distance.
luckily it was in the middle layers of print and it was covered till the end.

I know it’s been a hot minute since your post (six months to be exact), I was wondering if you can shed some light on how you were able to convince the printer (I have a two-week-old P1S w/AMS) and AMS that the two different slots were the “same” color. I ask because I have the green & orange partial spools that came with my printer, and I’m not sure that there is enough on just one to print the poop chute though I believe there is enough on the two spools combined. When I start a print I do see auto-refill is green. Thanks for any advice you can offer.

The easiest way is to let the spool run out and insert the second spool into the same slot when prompted.

Truth be told, a green/orange poop chute is going to look terrible and you’re probably going to kick yourself for printing it like that. Throw a small box behind the printer until you get a full spool of gray filament and you will end up much happiers. I still have boxes behind my printers as I found I really didn’t need a fancy dancy poop container. To each their own. Welcome to the forum.

I’ve used the let-in-run-out method successfully, unfortunately the last time I tried it the tail of the filament did not break away from the spool core and I ended up with a break in the extruder and a lost print. so I am somewhat leery of trying it again.

this helped me i was lost thank you

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I’ve read through your post but I’m still not sure how to convince BS that even though slot 2 & 3 are different colors (green and orange) I want them to both be orange. To JonRaymond’s point, a two tone print may not be his cup of tea, but it’s a poop chute behind the printer, so who cares. I just want to use up the filament. I have tried to find the answer myself but without much success. Any tips?

The printer pauses when it runs out of filimanet and isn’t set up to autofill. Load the next spool and resume.

In Bambu Studio under Device you can set the AMS Spools to whatever color you like (independent of the physical color of the filament) so if you have a green and an orange filament in the AMS, in the settings just change the colors of the spools to be the same and it should allow you to do auto-refill.

Thank you so much, just the info I was looking for.