P1S Chamber Fan controls?

What parameters control whether the Chamber fan comes on in a P1S? Can this be controlled in Bambu Studio? I couldn’t find any setting for it in the Cooling Section

Every setting is in the slicer’s advanced features section

temp of the bed determines it.
You can read it here and adjust it if necessary.

This is on a P1S not an X1

Sorry but I have a P1S, photo is bambu studio settings. (PC)

The chamber fan speed is set by the Filament Start G-Code in the Advanced tab of the Filament profile. It uses the bed temperature to decide which of several speeds to run the chamber fan. An example:

; filament start gcode
{if (bed_temperature[current_extruder] >55)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >55)}M106 P3 S200
{elsif(bed_temperature[current_extruder] >50)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >50)}M106 P3 S150
{elsif(bed_temperature[current_extruder] >45)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >45)}M106 P3 S50

The number after the S is the speed, with values 0-255. You can edit this and save as a user profile if you want.


and if it is only a command :?

; Filament gcode
{if activate_air_filtration[current_extruder] && support_air_filtration}
M106 P3 S{during_print_exhaust_fan_speed_num[current_extruder]}

ok tried changing this command and i get error message from the slicer :

Screenshot 2024-12-11 at 19.50.46

changed the command line in the filament settings from:

M106 P3 S{during_print_exhaust_fan_speed_num[current_extruder]}

to :

M106 P3 S51

that gets me the error … any ideas ?

EDIT : found solution the " {endif}. " command must stay there…

Do you know if there’s a way to Turn off the fan off after maybe a certain layer height of the print? I have a large tall white print at the top using PLA and I’m getting stringing on the auxiliary side. Don’t really know if I wanna turn the fan off during the whole print, but definitely at the top

Maybe this will work. Slice the print and go to the Preview tab. Grab the layer slider on the right and drag it to the layer where you want the change. Right click on that slider and select “Insert Custom g-code”. In the box that comes up, type:
M106 P3 S0
and click OK. Then click Slice Plate again. Do keep in mind that this is the chamber fan, not the aux or hotend fan. If you really did mean the aux fan, then use P2 instead of P3.

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it worked for me. thanks for the gcode. remember to back up your old gcode in a text document in case you need it.