P1S- experiencing problems following new nozzle install

Dear Community, hoping for some guidance and experience. Around 1.5 months into using the P1S with no issues, very impressed at how it works on even default settings and across a range of filaments.

I’ve just got a .2 nozzle from Bambu, and installed with little issue. the connectors all seem fine, changed the part in the device settings in Studio, added the .2 printer profile, ran calibration all okay.

Using Bambu, Hatchbox and Sunlu PLAs with AMS, I don’t think the filament is the issue as all printed fine the day before with .4

I first tried to print some detailed parts for minis, purge strip went down fine, as did brim, but print failed after a few layers. Tried halving speeds and acceleration, same issues.

I then tried the onboard benchy, because it’s a benchy- had to cancel the print there was horrendous noise- I think due to the infill setting. Quality on the defauly profile for this nozzle is also terrible as can be seen

Additionally, either the part or Aux fan are much louder since I made the swap- running (at least initially) at a far higher speed than all prints to date.

Pics of the benchy’s attached- green is the first print and brown the abandoned one.

Grateful for any guidance on what settings I might need to check, or adjust, anything I may have done wrong in replacing the nozzle and any reason I maybe experiencing the fan noise- is that just a setting from the .2 build?

Did you change the nozzle size on the printer display as well?

Thanks- just had a look there to confirm, and yep it’s showing up on the machine as the .2 stainless steel

You’ve got some strange vertical oscillation on the brown benchy there, which looks to me like there might be something in the toolhead that’s shaking; probably the heatbreak fan or a cable that’s not tucked in properly. If you provide photos of the toolhead (with front cover removed, of course), it might help us pinpoint the problem.

Oh, also, you mentioned a horrendous noise - my experience is that the printer makes a super loud BEEEEEEEP if the motors are stalling (this is not from any speaker - it’s the motors themselves screeching in pain lol). So it could also be something related to the movement system.

Hi thanks for the reply- really useful. I ended up removing and reinstalling the whole thing and got the next benchy out fine and another print or two (now if I can get the mini’s I want to adhere!!). But I think you might have been right- I had to swap back to the .4 and hadn’t seated the cover fan correctly it was flapping around inside.

Glad I could help! I also know some people have been having problems with the part cooling fan not fitting snugly in the toolhead cover, causing some rattling noise, but that doesn’t always affect print quality. Some folks have stuck washers/spacers (printed or otherwise) under the screw heads to solve the problem.

This post here: P1P rattle, vibration? - #23 by NVNDO

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