I’ve this extrusion problem with the first outline (L shaped) the printer always prints before each print job.
Now it looks very thin, and inconsistent. I can hear the nozzle grind against its bumpy uneven surface when it retracts to start the print job.
I think it happened after I reduced the print speed of inner wall, and outer wall to 5 mm /s as per the designer recommendation to print M3 screw and nut. I’m not sure if this somehow has caused this problem …
Before this problem … I noticed screeching sound from the X-axis movement across the carbon rods … but the printer was still printing the first line fine without this extrusion problem shown in the photos.
I’ve tried the following, and I still have this problem
changed the filament, dried the filament, cleaned the nozzle with the provided needle, 3 times cold pull, and washed the textured PEI plate with dish soap.
and I’ve also noticed these error codes
"The 1st order mechanical resonance mode of X axis differs much from last calibration, please re-run the machine calibration later " from Bambu Lab website
Is what I’m experiencing related to this error, so I’ll just clean the Carbon rods, readjust belt tension, and run full calibration … will it cure this issue ??
I doubt that one is directly related to your error codes, from the looks it seems the nozzle is too close too the build surface or the nozzle is obstructed/partially clogged.
First thing to check is that you don’t have some extreme filament K value set.
Next check closely if the nozzle assembly is straight and not bend. If all is good try a filament cold pull or change the nozzle out.
Fixed !!
I agree … the error doesn’t seem related to the extrusion problem … but I adjusted the belt tension, and did the recommended cleaning, and lubricating of the moving parts. and the Error has gone …
I also did a couple of cold pulls but at 250 degrees not 220 degrees like yesterday, then I cleaned the nozzle again with the needle at that temperature … and I tried two different filaments and Extrusion is back to normal … I’m really happy now
So yes it seems it was a partial clog which was hard to identify because the extrusion seemed very clean and normal, it was a straight vertical line … so I didn’t think the nozzle was clogged… Now I know that partial clogs could occur too …
The most common thing that seems to bend nozzles is prints curling up on the bed and the nozzle hitting them. Using grid infill might also be a cause as the nozzle contact the print at each infill intersection so it’s best to avoid using it.
That’s good to know … I never thought that choosing such infill could lead to such serious damage …
I was also told that too close bed could lead to have caused this issue … I never cared about doing bed leveling … but I had to do it when I printed the test Benchy, and it may be part of the calibration that needs to be done after adjusting belt tension which I did … so it may have also constributed to resolving this issue