P1S How to Overcome Force Sensor 2 and Z Axis Motor Errors

P1S out of the blue can’t get past the leveling stage.
Ive went thru all 10 steps on the hms for this, including removal of the back cover, and picked out any possible filament remains, the threaded rods are clean top to bottom and under the pulleys. the only i see is that the bed is kinda bonking into the nozzle right before it fails leveling process.

While i initiate a support ticket, i’m open to following recos for other fixes and /or throwing any and all replacement parts at the problem becuse i’ve got to have it running again asap.

Every time I’ve gotten this is was because a filament squiggle was sitting where the back of the bed connects to the lead screw. But if you took the back off I’m sure you would have seen that. One thing that fixes weird stuff is a factory reset, you might try that before you start buying parts. If it is a mechanical problem maybe it’s the force sensor itself?

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there were many filament squiggles! - all cleared out, thanks! will consider a factory reset now. It cant hurt.

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