P1S layer problem

Hi there,
I am new to Bambu and yesterday is arrived my new P1S, I have printed a couple of easy thing with no problems and after that I printed some small tools with a poop chute.
The poop chute start have a layer problem exactly where the taller tool has finished to print.
Any idea ?

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I wouldn’t call that any real issue of the printer, your problem is when you combine multiple files for a single print, your speeds may adjust in ways you don’t want them to. There’s a lot of control over quality and speed for walls and layers. Chances are your whole print sped up once the tools were done for the poop chute, to cause the difference in the look. This is typically why varying items/prints aren’t combined for a single print especially when consistent wall quality may be desired.

Hi, thank you for the answer. I tried to print alone and I have the same issue, since the bottom this time. I have seen that the problem is in the X axis, the Z and the Y looks right. So since the desk was not 100% stable I will move to a better one, that was good for my old 50 mms printer so probably is not stable enough for 300mms. After the self test I will try again alone the part.

So I tried on the new table after the automatic setup and it’s much better, but I have encountered a weird situation.
During the test I made 3 settings, first part standard speed, second part sport speed and third part silent speed.
Strange is that the best print part is the sport one, and the worst was the silent one with more ondulation, I used standard P1Snozzle0.40, standard bambu PLA profile and standard 0.20 profile with a Bambu pla filament.
The picture is not super clear but you can see the issue, it’s a non sense to me, the slower should be the better or not ?