P1S never downloads from studio. Will from handy

Yes, that test just seems worthless, both those are http urls, if you go to them in a browser you get a 404, the public url’s simply don’t exist. The ones that do work are just “success” pages except test.plugin download which actually downloads the files for the plug in needed for printing via cloud. They also look like real url’s.


Going to URL produced by Test BambuLab

Not sure what the point of having bing.com in there is and for some reason it’s http also (redirects to https). Honesty, I am thinking of moving to LAN mode. Handy app is nice but all this cloud stuff is overkill when it’s mainly sending a file to AWS, slicing it, then sending it to your printer. Would be easier if you could leave Bambu Studio open in the background, have Handy send the file there to slice and send to your printer without leaving your LAN. I am not a fan of sending all my MQTT data to the cloud when there is zero reason to.

Also, apparently Orca slicer uses the same plugin that Bambu does for it’s printers so it’s not the slicer either. I don’t think it’s a network issue, something else is going on. It does makes sense as Orca would have to write their own plugin to send to Bambu and Orca is a fork of Bambu also, which is a fork or Prusa slicer. According to centralops, both those domains are available for registration.

About the only solution I saw for this issue was unplugging the power and plugging it back in… Although it never seems to actually start the download in this scenario, it just sits at 0%. Similar issue, uploads to cloud fine, printer just won’t download and print. Recently Bambu has been complaining about AWS costs when they literally set it up to work this way. Like making the Panda Touch just “quit” working because it makes calls to AWS. The only error is that 0500-400b one above which is a general networking error.