P1S overhang transitioning problems

I printed some flowerpots from printables (Printables) and it seems that my printer has a lot of trouble transitioning from overhangs to
more straight walls. I used completely stock settings, tried slowing down the whole print so it would have the same print speed everywhere, tried turning off “slow down for overhangs” and it all came out the same pretty much. Any ideas what could cause that?

Did you not want to use supports?

No, printer should print at that angle with ease without any support

When you ran the K value test for the material how far off the .02 default was it?

I can’t say exactly what is causing this but based on the fact that it is linear and I am seeing evidence of parallel features in the model, it might be an issue of over extrusion.

So picture in your mind, you have two objects one is a rectangular tower 50cm tall and the other is a cylinder at 60cm tall. At the 50cm height, the pattern on the cylinder changes. That’s because the flow rate was different for that layer than the other.

This video explains some of it but falls short of giving a good solution in my view. He relies on the print by object setting which is great if the problem is being caused by a second obejct but useless if you’re only printing one object and the lines are being caused by adjescent structures forcing extrusion issues.

In situations like this my go-to solution is to first try to isolate using the cutting tool in the slicer software. If you can isolate the section of your model to a smaller size of plastic, then you can more easily start experimenting with solutions while using less filament and being able to repeat short print experiments.

Once I get a reproducable test case, then I experiment in the following order to see if it has any impact.

  1. Use the quiet mode(slows all head movement and volumetric flow by 50%)

  2. Change the max volume control in the filament settings. Or just try another filament setting that has a slower volumetric flow. In this example, these three different filaments have vastly different max volumetric speed.

  3. Switch the order sequence to outer/inner from the default of inner/outer


I’m looking at this and wondering if you have “Slow down for overhangs” active? Also, why are you using oversize line widths? The default line width works just fine.