Hello, could someone help me? I have a P1S and suddenly it started having printing problems. I am attaching photos of the problem. I printed 5 copies of this model and when I printed the next one I had this problem. I already cleaned the extruder and the printer and the problem persists. Thanks for your help.
Is anything like that showing up in the preview of the slicer ?
Stringing I could explain but not stringing with such big blobs along the way…
No nothing like that is showing in the preview, everything looks normal. attached is the previous printed model. I bought the printer last year on october, should I replace the extruder?
Check your thermal paste and see if it has dried out. Looks eerily similar to this thread.
I see…
There is next to nothing supporting those ‘bricks’…
Unless you have a serious issue all you need is to check your temperature and bridging settings.
The print failed because those tiny bridges did not bond properly, leaving the next layer hanging in the air.
Could be as simple as printing with the door open and room temperatures having changed or as complex as calibrating your filament and bridging settings.
I would not go to look for hardware issues until the filament settings and bridging capability has been confirmed.
Thanks for the tip. Im going to check that.
This model will not print in classic walls , must be Arachne
Check the image bellow, and check if you are not under extruding after trying again
If the wall type does not help under extrusion can be from many things , but one thing is clean or replace the nozzle try to print a small cube first 2walls no bottom and no top shells and visually check the walls and measure with caliper the thickness should be Inner wall + outer wall i think the standart thickness was 0.45+0.42 or 0.87mm
Thanks, I’m going to try that
It Worked¡¡, it was the wall generator, changed from classic to Arachne and works.
Thanks to everbody for your help and tips. and Thanks Vladimir.
Although this was solved, my advice is to always have a fresh extruder in your bag of tricks, that way you can immediately eliminate that as the problem if it’s suspected.