P1S Timlapse very short and not the whole print?

Been trying to download the timelapse files from my sd card remotely and they are only showing up for 3-6 seconds long for most of the videos? even removing the SD card and plugging into my computer the video is the same length. though some videos are the whole print from start to finish. can anyone give insight to this or am i doing something wrong?

yes i power cycle the printer before remote accessing the SD card after the print i want to download is finished and cooled off and taken off build plate. i have even tried reformatting a new SD card to FAT32 like bambu lab suggest and no difference. i want to up load these to my channel and cant when they are only 3-6 seconds for a 24 hr+ printand shows many the first 100 layers

any help will be appreciated!!!

Welcome to the forum.

Have you tried different SD card? Slow write speeds or a failing card could cause this problem.

You might want to temper your expectation as the P series camera is just about potato quality. Not really Youtube quality.

yes i have tried the factory SD a Samsung SD and a microcenter SD all 128gb besides the factory one and reformatted to FAT32 for the bambu operating system and im uploading to other channels not youtube.

Thats pretty strange for a 24hr print to be max 6seconds. The full stream usually is saved to the sd card in a folder away from Studio access, it is a looping situation afaik so it’d overwrite old data as it goes. The timelapse shouldn’t be caught up in that and saved separately, so unless its been there for ages there shouldn’t be any risk of losing it. I only have a 32g card in my x1c and it seems to cope with the stray timelapse’s I have, I don’t do them on small boring stuff usually so haven’t had any full warnings.

I had a look and a 3hr print came out at around 18seconds, when playing it I have option to speed up or slow down but its only like a fastforward thing. No other settings come to mind, maybe a ticket to support as it isn’t a normal operation.

When reading your SD card on your PC, have you looked at the ipcam folder of the SD card, this is where the full recording of your print (not the timelapse) is stored. Check same date and time to find it and read it. Is it also a short recording or do you get the full length (which should be very long on a 24h print and the file should be huge…)? The recording will only be available though if you have left the “auto-record monitoring” on in bambu studio (accessible by clicking on the small hexagon at the top of the camera screen the device page).

yeah i have tried removing it and it shows the whole video in real time but some of the LOOOONG prints for close to 24 hour prints i get like short ones but i did look and i had a 13.5 hour print and it was 42 second long timelapse and showed the whole thing?? but its not just one printer i have 4 p1s printers and its doing it to all of them…