Panda Touch screen for P series now available for $59


Just go build one yourselves, and report back on how much you spent when it’s all done

XTouch for Bambu costs around USD 20 for an ESP32, and uses open source software. I’m not sure how different the functionality is, however. (edit under USD 10 on ali or taobao).


Darn; gonna have to keep my eye on this one - would be nice if they could take preorders

The xtouch screen is a resistive touch 2.8" vs the Panda that has a 5" capacitive touch. Display wise there really isn’t a comparison.

A similar development board/screen would be about $40. Add a battery, injection molded enclosure, packaging, mount and paying a firmware developer(s). The costs add up.


I also bought one immediately, but I’ll be so pissed - I noticed, that the screen will not let me take the glass off the top if I have an AMS riser installed, since I cannot lift the glass high enough to clear the touch screen display mount. I’ll have to figure something out - I could try to mount that thing elsewhere (instead of on the printer) or I could come up with a quick-release for the mounting bracket.

But other than that, it’s a steal for just 55 EUR (or 60 USD) and it being a plug-and-play solution. That’s like two spools of good filament here.

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They have mentioned that different brackets will be available at some point.

people complain about everything.


injection molded enclosure

Should sell it without the case, and provide an STL.

Print farms can get the intern to assemble them, or can pay extra for the case.

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Print farms? That would equal out to $6 a printer… If a person/business has enough sales to fill a room full of $1000 printers and filament/electricity to feed them 24/7, do you think dropping $6 a printer is going to be an issue? No.

The fact that they sold out on the first day normally means they were actually priced too low.



The fact that they sold out on the first day normally means they were actually priced too low.

I don’t understand the logic of that. We don’t know how many they made vs how many bambu were sold, or what the surplus demand is, nor their sales strategy, or even if they are actually reallly sold out. A company I used to work for deliberately limited sales to make their product look more exclusive and desirable, so there would be a rush when they “made” a new load.

Another good breakdown of the features. Seems you can’t currently remap the AMS filaments (8:34).


Thank you for the information.

Latest update on Panda Touch situation from Big Tree Tech


Panda Power is a really smart move.


Looks like it’s not going to function for very long given Bambu Lab’s latest statement.

That’s now how I interpret the video. “Bambu may at some point in the future move to an API”. To me that doesn’t mean the current MQTT is going away soon.


Of course it will continue to function, its not Windows, you have a perfectly working printer right now and they can’t force you to update.

As for me, no more firmware updates for my printers from this point forward and I won’t be buying another one unless I can rollback the firmware to this current version either. I like Bambu printers and their capabilities but competitors are not sitting idle either.

Bambu needs to remember who owns this hardware and it is not them. I’ve seen this behaviour from too many companies. I suspect they will shortly “update” their mobile app and have it stop working if you don’t update your firmware because “security”.

Lets remember, the only real “security” issue was printers destroying themselves because Bambu themselves made a major design flaw in how they queued print jobs in their cloud and printers started printing all by themselves in the middle of the night. They don’t have a leg to stand on in that department.

Having jumped on the Panda Touch when it became available this is pretty depressing news. If this is such a major issue for Bambu, and there is CLEARLY a massive market for a better screen option given the success of the Touch, then how about Bambu themselves come up with a screen upgrade they can sell at a reasonable price? People obviously want it.

And if they can come up with an upgrade for automatic flow control that would be awesome also! :laughing:

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This is how we interpreted it too. The only statement we got was that it was “on the roadmap”. We interpret that as being something that is planned but not in development. If development has not even started on it then it is reasonable to assume that we are looking at a few months out at least so it is relatively distant still. At this point we just don’t know what to expect and are desperately trying to speak to BBL to get some more info.

To be clear, we don’t hold any bad feelings towards them for wanting to make the security update. From a business standpoint, if there is a security hole and it is exploited and that results in massive warranty issues and a huge load on the support department then I would probably also want to patch it. I am not sure if this is what is happening but we can only assume that it is something serious like this. We just really want some clarity on the plans so that both us and the public can be well informed.


You may find that it is indeed what is being planned. If so then it will be sad because there is so much opportunity for a thriving ecosystem of aftermarket parts that make the core product so much more appealing to a wider audience. DJI did well to implement an SDK on their drones that allowed third party developers to open up some really great possibilities. We do believe that BBL will act in good faith and produce an API but we are just so confused about were everything currently stands.


Thats a good point, competitors are not standing by idle.Bambu is the flavor or the month but that wont last forever, it never does. Its at this point that consumer loyalty and happiness will become real important to bambu. I have no problem with using only bambu firmware but this is something different.Bambu could have offered a cheap lcd touch option (the Xtouch dosnt cost $10) …they still could but they chose not to for marketing reasons. Ok…but remember other competitors are not sitting by idle and filled a need/want your customers have. This was your job to do Bambu . I willl be real unhappy if you disable my Xtouch/panda lcd.I will be real unhappy if I have to stop firmware updates in order to keep my panda/xtouch. How is this creating customer loyalty and hapiness for bambu products. Everybody looses