Panda Touch screen for P series now available for $59

[quote=“looxonline, post:39, topic:50678”]
we can only assume that it is something serious like this
you wrote “if there is a security hole and it is exploited and that results in massive warranty issues and a huge load on the support department then I would probably also want to patch it. I am not sure if this is what is happening but we can only assume that it is something serious like this”. The Ptouch/Xtouch has been around for a long while and their useres love them. They work like the panda. Where was the alarms regarding security them? But days after the panda is released then sirens and red lights flash from Bambu central. boy are you going to have alot of unhappy customers. Why dont you release the api FIRST, then let the developers from panda and xtouch come up with an update so their products work with your new firmware and THEN release the updated firmware. Everybody wins…unless the motive here is to take away the use of these screens in which case ,over the long term, no one wins. Or why dont you just come out with your own screen upgrade like you should have done the moment you saw the Ptouch?

I agree that it would be better to release the API first and then block off the MQTT. I can only assume that the engineering department is swamped and one is easier than the other to do. At this point, we are still just waiting for feedback from BBL.

Anyway… Bambu Lab seems not so evil as they could be, because they informed DigTreeTech about this change as soon as BTT released it’s product. BBL could have simply released the new firmware, which destroys the functionality and the business case for the Panda Touch Display, without informing BigTreeTech or any others.

I think, we have to wait, how this story is going on. :thinking:

I’m ordered the Panda Touch Display and will see how it works. And if the day comes, then the display lose it’s functionality, I will decide if

  • I stay with the old P1P firmware to use the Panda Touch Display or
  • I use it as Klipper control display, like BigTreeTech noted.

And at least, it’s a ESP connected to a touch display, which gives a lot of possibilities. :smiley:

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Maybe they informed BigTreeTech way earlier and BTT just now talked about it to make sure they can sell off their stock first.

Announcing it before the launch would hinder the sales imo.

So you think that they just made the announcement knowing they were doing to disable this so bigtree could sell out their stock KNOWING it was unusable. Then why is bigtree offering refunds apon request . I think the reason for this is a buisness matter between the 2 companies, not one of cooperation either

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Can you provide a source for your speculation?



I’m just thinking that it could be one of many possibility.

that’s the thing, it’s not YET unusable. There will always be users that will refuse to update, look at the the firmware rollback that was disabled.

To save their face (just in case)? To not piss off the customer base? Laws? Many possible reasons. The amount of users requesting a refund is probably not higher than the amount of users keeping it.

I’m not saying anything here with certainty. Just throwing an “idea” out there.

its not speculation, look at the Xtouch facebook page, bamboo uses facebook page and PS! facebook page and the discord page for Xtouch.

I am responding to a SPECIFIC scenerao from a post by xsynitc so dont take 4 words out of that reply and use it out of the context …he said basicly maybe that bambu told big tree about this change earlier and bigtree held onto the knowledge to sell off their stock. I replied questioning that idea.

So you can’t provide any information that backs up your claims that Bambu and BigTreeTech have “beef”. Got it.


Dude …you just posted maybe bambu told bigtree about the change before their panda launch and bigtree held onto that knowledge in order to clear out their stock before making the announcement. Now you suggest big is offering refunds to save face. See how the two post contradict each other?

try reading the Xtouch facebook page…Ok I just went over there to grab a quote and the thread has been removed. This morning they had a member from the Xtouch development team that verified the rift but wouldnt go into details. I think if you read something other the bambu forum…you might be better informed…got it?

Annnd, not only is your comment correct, he’s got the idea backwards. Warning people that it may not be compatible with newer firmware REDUCES sales. It won’t cause a fast sell off. In addition, offering a refund when this popped up is a sign of caring about good consumer / business relations. Something BTT has always been careful to maintain.

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BTW, I now have both the xTouch and Panda Touch. There is absolutely no way the xTouch matches the Panda Touch in
screen size
Screen responsiveness
Screen image quality and resolution.

Saying the xTouch is equivalent is like saying an Ender 3 is equivalent to a P1S


It’s a bargain at 59.00, I would have gladly paid Bambu an additional 60.00 for a nice screen on the printer when I bought it.
As others have stated people sometimes complain about everything… and AMS filament changing system control now too

So I’m totally new to 3D printing and this P1S is my first printer. That said, what is the advantage of the Panda Touch vs. the stock screen/keypad vs. Bambu Handy vs. Bambu Studio? I just don’t understand why a touch screen is necessary when there are already 3 native places to print/configure from unless it’s simply for a better looking interface/touch screen.

How about just preference for starters.

Preference, check.

What does this screen provide, in terms of capabilities, that makes it preferred?

Easier to navigate with fewer presses, clear errors, change filament and set AMS colors/filaments if needed.

Additonally the PT will allow you to control more than one printer from the interface, and you can move it throughout your work area if needed, it’s not tethered to the printer unless you use that printer for power. I can control my daughters A1 Mini from where my printer is. You can also use a full size USB drive to transfer files with it as well.

If you prefer another way, then there’s no need. Some of us prefer to have a better looking screen as well as a bit more control from the screen. Print farms or multiple machine users can beneift from being able to print the same file across multiple printers at the same time.

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Thank you @johnfcooley, this is why I’m going to purchase one now. Thanks so much for educating me on the benefits and why it’s a great idea!